Chapter 51 'Big News'

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Laney's POV

When I opened my eyes and looked to my side, Wesley wasn't in bed. I figured he was already downstairs feeding Trent or something. I did a little stretch before actually getting out of bed. I went downstairs, but didn't hear anyone or anything. I saw a piece of paper laying on the counter.

'Got called in for a meeting. Be back soon. Love you Mrs. Stromberg!
p.s we need some milk :)' was scribbled on it. Of course he would tell me instead of just getting some himself while he's out. It's so weird to be called 'Mrs. Stromberg' even though we have only been married for a couple weeks.

I went back upstairs to get Trent up since Wesley didn't. Trent was already wide awake, staring at me from his crib when I opened the door to the nursery.

"Good morning Trent," I cooed in a cheery baby voice. He has still yet to say his first words, and I hope they're mom and dad. He stood up all on his own and looked out at me. He gave me a kiss on the lips, something I taught him, and then I picked him up and out of his crib.

"Since your dad is gone I think we should go to Grandma's for breakfast. What do you think?" I asked, knowing he wouldn't answer, so I got him dressed anyways. I put him in a short sleeve onesie with a guitar on it, and you can almost guess who picked that one out. I slipped some socks on his tiny feet and headed downstairs with him. I fixed myself up a little before leaving the house.

"Mom? Dad? Anyone up?" I hollered as I entered their house. I already knew that answer by the smell coming from the kitchen. I carried Trent into their view and let him walk to them. I can't believe how fast he's growing up.

"Look at my handsome baby grandson," my mom cooed. She snatched him up and planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek. She kept ahold of him while she flipped the pancakes and watched the bacon as well.

"Do you need a babysitter or something?"

"Oh, no! I just came over since Wes had a meeting this morning. Why? You have him for a whole week at the end of the month," I reminded jokingly. She's keeping him while we go on our honeymoon to Bora Bora.

"Oh that's right! I keep forgetting about that! I'll have to tell Andrea to keep reminding me! Do you know what Wesley's meeting was about? Tour? Albums?"

"I'm not sure. I hope it isn't tour because I remember the last time he was going on tour and he didn't plan on telling me until the night he left," I exaggerated a little.

"Oh it's different now. Trust me honey." She sat a plate in front of my seat at the table and motioned for me to sit down. She got Trent all settled in and got him some milk and extra baby food that I brought. This is why I love my mom. It doesn't bother her to take care of Trent even when she knows she doesn't have to. I took turns eating and feeding Trent when he got fussy.

"Good morning Lane- awe! Hi Trent," Andrea immediately ignored me when she saw him. I chuckled a little to myself and shook my head.

"Morning," I laughed. She turned all her attention to him. She took over feeding him, letting me finish my own food.

"I think someone needs their diaper changed," Andrea muttered disgustingly.

"You finished feeding him, you change the diaper," I said. She rolled her eyes and pouted. "I'm kidding, geez," I sighed. I picked Trent up out of his high chair and took him to the living room where the diaper bag was. I laid him on a blanket and quickly changed his diaper.

"Now my baby is all fresh," I giggled, tickling his stomach in the process. He made a little baby laugh, which always makes me laugh.

"Laney, the phone," my dad whispered loudly, peeking his head into the living room. I wonder who would call here for me. I gave him a quick one second signal and gathered Trent back up before going to see who it was. I carried Trent out on my hip and took the phone.

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