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The bell rang out through the walls, harsh brassy tones filled my ear drums and made my heart race

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The bell rang out through the walls, harsh brassy tones filled my ear drums and made my heart race. I fumbled with my school map, it wasn't very clear and had become crumpled in my bag. Students bumped into me left, right and center like I was invisible.

"Excuse me?" I attempted to stop one of the passing bodies but they ignored me and carried on walking.

"I'm trying to find—" I asked another, yet no response.

"Uh, can you help?" Yet again my efforts were in vain.

I slumped up against a locker, breathing deeply as the hallways cleared into their respective classes. The first day at a new school was daunting for anyone, but when you've transferred in from a private school it's like entering a whole new universe entirely. I half expected to be treated like royalty simply because I was fresh meat and everybody wanted to get to know a new face. But so far nobody has shown any interest in me at all and I didn't understand it, at my last school I was popular.

"You're on my locker, move."

"Excuse me?" I scoffed in disbelief. 

He was staring down at me with coffee coloured eyes and a deep frown to his face. He wore black jeans, sneakers and a simple plain grey hoodie that stayed rolled up to his elbows revealing a nasty scar that covered one of his arms.

"You heard me princess, get out of my way." He waved his hands in the air as if trying to move me magically and I stepped aside, but still hovered near by, watching as he keyed in his combination and searched through his locker.

After that he ignored my presence but I knew he could feel me watching him by the way his jaw clenched and his gaze hardened on the books inside his locker.

"My name is Mia and I don't think you quite know who you're speaking to." I stamped my foot on the floor childishly and crossed my arms. At my last school money equaled power, the more money you had the more popular you were. He slammed his locker shut and turned to face me, his lips curving up into a smile almost sardonically.

He stepped close to me, closing me in against the locker and his body. I could smell his body wash and count his eyelashes, he invaded my personal space that close. His eyes flicked down my body slowly and I stiffened, feeling ridiculously uncomfortable and exposed.

"I know who you are, the spoiled little brat from East Side. Question is, do you know who I am?" His voice was deep but soothingly calm. I could hear the threat in his tone but oddly I didn't feel intimated by it. The kids here were powerless, they didn't have the connections or money to destroy you like the ones at East Side.

His eyes were beautiful, I could easily get lost in them. They were an unusual colour, almost golden and oh so bewitching. He smelt strongly of peppermint and vanilla, it was a refreshing mix that just made you feel compelled to inhale more.

"A teenage boy on a power trip?" I spat out cockily. His eyebrows raised at me and he brought himself closer, pressing his body more and more against mine. Surely he's not allowed to do that?

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