Talk to me.

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Monday rolled around faster than anyone could say 'hangover,' and yes, after the party on Saturday I spent the following day dying in bed with my mom worrying about me because she didn't know my illness was self inflicted

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Monday rolled around faster than anyone could say 'hangover,' and yes, after the party on Saturday I spent the following day dying in bed with my mom worrying about me because she didn't know my illness was self inflicted. Over the weekend my bedroom trashcan became home to a beautiful bunch of red roses and a note that read 'I'm sorry babe, I was drunk. Please forgive me, call me.'

My wardrobe was still my ultimate school dilemma but then again why should I even care when they all think I'm a princess anyway. I slotted down on the seat of the school bus, throwing in my earphones and listening to some Paramore to get my blood pumping, I felt mad at Noah and I wanted to so desperately have it out with him.

"Hey, Joel's friend right?" A girl sat beside me, she was very pretty with long brown hair and striking blue eyes. I pulled one earphone out and nodded politely.

"Mia." I introduced myself.

"I'm Abbey, you want one?" She offered me a starburst but I politely declined.

We got talking about everything corrupt with the high school system and all of our classes. It was so nice to talk to someone who wasn't calling me a princess or making judgments on me based on my attire or background. Things felt normal. We walked into school together.

"Come find me in the cafeteria at lunch," she instructed as she headed off towards her own lesson.

I dumped the books into my bag and made my way to chemistry, a lesson I haven't yet sat. I got there before the bell rung and came face to face with those striking brown eyes. They shone brightly as if pleasantly surprised by my arrival. The colour of swirling caramel symmetrically placed within a face just as sweet.

"How could you do that to him?" I stormed over to his desk, pointing my finger in his face.

His eyes widened in horror and he gripped his two hands around the length of his pencil, squeezing tightly. The room had become stilled, everyone watching the encounter between Noah and I.

"She's crazy." One student whispered.

"He's going to kill her." Another voice said quietly.

"Answer me!" I shouted over the whispering.

Noah looked down at his hands but stayed quiet, then he looked up at me, challenging me with a silent glare. More and more people pooled into the room, they stared us down. Their gossiping voices getting louder and louder.

"Does she not know that he's a psychopath?"

"Someone should save her."

"Someone should tell her."

"Get ready to call 911."

"How could you say those things to your best friend?" I shouted practically pushing my face into his. He sat with an impassive stare. His eyes were such a warming colour but right now they made me feel completely cold.

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