It's Mia.

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"Good morning Amelia

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"Good morning Amelia." Mrs Kinkle smiled at me in-genuinely the second I walked into her classroom. I dreaded English lit all day for this exact reason, somehow I felt like her knowing that I didn't like to be called by my full title made her call me it all the more. 

"It's Mia." I corrected for the billionth time. She ignored me. I sat in my usual seat, the girl next to me who I learned was called Becca gave me her customary dirty look.

Mrs Kinkle carted out the television on the trolley and pushed in the vintage VCR tape. The screen sprung to life with more Jane Austen bullshit. I pulled out my science note book and started writing up my homework assignment in order to get it out the way and avoid doing it in my own time at home.

"Psst, princess." The lanky guy from behind called out to me. I turned in my chair to face him.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked sarcastically. He gave me a blank expression.

"Yeah? Do you see any other princesses around here?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and began to turn back around to face the front, committing myself to ignoring whoever calls me a princess in future. "Sick game of dodgeball today." He complimented, earning me enough reason to stay facing him. "But aren't you like, scared?" He questioned.

"Amelia, the television is this way." Mrs Kinkle interrupted.

"It's Mia." I replied with aggression. The grip on my pencil getting tighter as I imagined it was my teachers neck. I faced the television once more, droning out with the boring old English context.

"Why would she be frightened?" Becca asked him after a few minutes of Pride and prejudice. I tried not to turn around again but it was kind of hard when you could hear two people were having a conversation about you, without you.

"She smacked Noah with a ball." He admitted with dramatic horror in his voice as if he were talking up a thrilling movie trailer.

"Noah speaks to her." Becca whispered. "Apparently." She added, implying that I were lying about my conversations with Noah.

Why would I even do that?

"Has spoken to me, yes. Does he speak to me, no. We're not friends." I clarified.

"Woah!" The tall guy said in shock.

"Amelia!" My whole body shuddered as I cringed at the harsh word on her lips. I wanted to leap across the classroom and rag her around by her scrawny little grey hair. But I refrained, talking myself into calmness.

"It's Mia." I said once more. We all went back to watching Mr Darcy chase Elizabeth and it wasn't even the movie version were he was attractive.

"So did he kill them then?" The guy asked again, determined to get me into trouble. This teacher knew that this conversation was a three way street, yet she only had the courtesy to blame one participant.

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