Pink or blue

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Emily bounced over to our table, he yanked his hand back quickly and I squirmed awkwardly in my seat trying to hide my hurt as he attentively cared for Emily, making polite with the other parents and getting her ready to leave

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Emily bounced over to our table, he yanked his hand back quickly and I squirmed awkwardly in my seat trying to hide my hurt as he attentively cared for Emily, making polite with the other parents and getting her ready to leave.

"Can we go to the park?" Emily asked as she skipped beside me.

"No." Noah shot her down and Emily's face screwed up with disappointment.

"Mia wants to go the park, don't you Mia?" She fluttered her eyelashes at me and offered me a sweet smile, one I couldn't resist.

"I could go the park." I shrugged. Noah peered his eyes at me angrily.  I felt their warming effect heating me up inside.

"See Noah. If you don't want to come to the park then you go away and Mia can take me." She grabbed hold of my hand and started running, trying to get away from her brother.

"Emily!" Noah shouted with authority. "Mia is not the one in charge here, I am." His voice was fiercely calm, it was scary and I felt like I was the child in trouble. "...And I certainly wouldn't let her take you anywhere alone." he whispered under his breath. I gave him a side glance and I'm not entirely sure he knew that I heard him.

Emily ignored him, skipping playfully down the foot paths of the park. I trailed behind her and Noah reluctantly dragged his feet beside me. There was a whole aura of annoyance around him, directed towards me.

"Joel!" Emily shouted and started running further into the distance.

"Shit." Noah cursed. "That's just fucking great isn't it." He gave me a cold stare and I just smiled apologetically.

Emily bounced into Joel's arms and he spun her around in a circle as she laughed hysterically.

"You got so big!" He claimed enthusiastically. He placed her down and looked at the sight of Noah and I together. His eyes trailed down my body and then he pulled me in for a hug.

"Same clothes as last night, mom wanted you home huh?" He gave me a shady smirk and I just smiled shyly back.

Noah stood awkwardly, the atmosphere between the two guys was Arctic. They didn't look at one another, they didn't acknowledge one another. Emily played with Joels dog, laughing as he tickled her cheek with his tongue.

"Why don't you come see us anymore Joel? I miss you." She was clearly unaware at the tension between her brother and his ex best friend.

Joel dropped to his knees, patting his dog on the head and taking hold of her hand. "I miss you too Em, but remember what I told you the last time I seen you?" She nodded her head.

"You told me you couldn't come and see me anymore because Noah didn't agree with the choices you made." I looked at Noah with wide eyes and he just remained tensed. "You wanted the blue hat but Noah wanted you to have the pink hat. But that's silly Joel because now you're not even wearing a hat." She slapped her forehead and started laughing.

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