We were never friends.

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Somewhere after Noah's story I fell asleep, lying down on some cushions in the back of the library

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Somewhere after Noah's story I fell asleep, lying down on some cushions in the back of the library. The sound of a phone alarm woke me up and really sleepily I stretched out my limbs.

"What time is it?" I whispered.

"It's five." Noah replied, standing up and fixing the cushions back in place. "Come on." He held his hand out to me and only now I noticed his hoodie was thrown over me like a blanket and he was wearing a T-shirt that showed his scar traveled the whole way up his arm. I took hold of his hand and allowed him to pull me to my feet.

"Thanks." I said shyly as I handed him his hoodie back. He slipped it on immediately and I threw the cushions back to their original place.

"Emily?" Noah called softly. She tossed and turned in her sleep. "Em, we gotta get moving." He informed her gently. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Her blonde hair stuck up messily around her face but she smiled kindly at me as soon as she spotted me.

"You stayed." She muttered in disbelief, throwing her arms around my waist and squeezing me tightly.

"Grab your doll Em, let's go." Noah said. I didn't miss the way he looked at me. He lacked confidence in me completely.

He brought us to the canteen and started cooking eggs, sausages and toast in the school kitchen. It felt weird, being here but he knew where everything was kept and how everything worked like he had done this before. Emily sat playing with her doll on one of the dining tables and through the windows we could see the first hint of daylight.

"I'm not so sure about you." He admitted as he looked longingly at Emily through the kitchen serving window. He rolled the sausages around on the grill making sure each side was golden in colour.

"We hardly know each other." I pointed out. "Trust is earned, I know you were forced into telling me the truth but in time you'll see that I'm not a threat to you or Emily." 

He dished the food up on three plates and grabbed some cutlery from a tray. He handed me one and then carried two over to where Emily was sitting.

"I have had my trust misplaced before, you know?" He whispered as we got closer to Emily.

"Your girlfriend." I confirmed with a nod.

"Shh." He frowned as we took our seat at the table. "Here you go, eat up Em." She smiled warmly at her breakfast and then started eating. It was delicious, Noah was an even better cook than my mom but then again my mom had staff make our meals for years before she attempted to cook for herself.

After we finished he rinsed our plates clean and held Emily's hand to the bathrooms. Automatically he followed her into the girls bathroom and she stood looking into the mirror with Noah standing behind her. Rehearsed like a routine.

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