Passing Ships.

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I quietly watched Noah from afar during chemistry

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I quietly watched Noah from afar during chemistry. He always had his head buried inside his text book and listened to the teacher so carefully. There was never a single moment in class when he lowered his head and slept through the lesson. He never ditched classes and he studied in the library through lunch.

School was important to him and now I understood why, he needed to get a good job in order to support Emily.

Since that night in the hotel room we haven't spoken, he hasn't even so much as looked my way. Instead he took on board what I said and respected my wishes, we merely just became passing ships in the hallway.

I stood leaning on the locker next to Abbeys while she unloaded all of her books. My eyes trained on Noah whose locker was three doors down, he added notebooks to his locker one at a time.

"Come hang out at my house after school." Abigail suggested. Noah froze, hovering his notebook in mid air. He's listening. "Mia?" Abbey asked.

"What?" I questioned, forcing my eyes away from Noah and back onto her.

"You want to come hang out at my place after school?" She repeated her question again and Noah carefully placed his book inside his locker.

"Sure, whatever. I don't mind." I answered quickly. All of the muscles in his back tensed and he clenched his jaw. He didn't like me hanging out with Abbey.

"Great!" She said with a little excited jump. I giggled at her reaction and she slammed her locker shut. "I'm going this way." She pointed up the corridor.

"Uh, I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick." I admitted. She gave me a small wave and departed, I walked right past Noah and entered the girls toilets. He chased after me, pushing me quickly into a cubicle and locking the door.

"What—" he threw his hand over my mouth and my eyes widened. I heard a few girls talking about makeup by the sinks and he kept his hand over my lips until they had left the room.

"I swear to god Noah, you better have washed your hands good before you put them on my lips." He looked at his hand as if inspecting it for dirt and then peered back at me.

"Are you hanging out with her just to get to me or something?" I grunted and rolled my eyes.

"Why do you think the world revolves around you? She's my friend." I pointed out straightly. The door opened again and Noah slapped his hand over my mouth. I clamped my teeth around his finger and he pulled back his hand.

"Ow." He whispered shaking off his finger.

"Does anybody have a tampon?" A girl shouted from the next cubicle, Noah screwed his lips up. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a tampon, holding it under the cubicle until the girl took it from my hand. "Thank you." She shouted again.

"You guys share tampons?" Noah asked once the girl had flushed the chain, washed her hands and left the bathroom. I gave him half a shrug.

"I'm late to class." I admitted, hoping he would roll this up faster.

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