A bit of Manslaughter.

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I swatted Noah on the chest playfully

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I swatted Noah on the chest playfully. "Ouch! I'm sore, aren't you meant to play nurse and tend to my wounds or something?" Noah asked as we sat on the basketball court of our local park. We followed the others here after the boxing ring and now that Joel and Noah have rekindled their friendship I haven't got a word in edge-ways.

"I guess I got downgraded from the best friend status pretty quick." I joked.

"I never liked that status on you anyway. I felt like you needed an upgrade." He placed his hand under my chin softly, leaning in close enough for me to feel his body heat. The chestnut tones to his eyes fell down to my lips and my breath hitched.

This kiss was going to be different than his others, they're all filled with passion and greed but he was leaning in slower this time, wanting to take his time and appreciate the sensation of our bodies becoming one. I closed my eyes because I wanted to really concentrate on feeling him in my heart.

"Noah!" Joel interrupted. Noah dropped his hand from my face and I felt the impact of his minty sigh across my cheek. "Come play." Joel said, oblivious to the moment he had just disrupted.

I watched them play basket ball from a distance as I sipped on my warm beer.

"You really ignited a change in him Mia. He's not only talking but he's talking to Joel, I'm shocked." I squirmed uncomfortably next to Abbey, feeling instantly cold and distant towards her.

"You filled Emily's head with junk." The words fell from my lips without thinking them through or rephrasing them better. Abigails eyebrows raised with surprise.

"No. I told Emily the truth." Abbey said slowly.

"At her parents funeral? She was four!" I exclaimed a little loudly. Abbeys eyes flicked to the guys who continued playing with the ball. Then she turned back to me.

"She was a brat, needed taking down a notch or two. You can choose not to believe me but Noah killed his parents. I know what happened, I was there that day. I seen everything. I think Emily deserved to know the person living under her roof. My only hope is that their uncle protects her from him." She flicked her dark hair over her shoulder with dramatized movements.

A burning pit of rage was bubbling up inside of me from within and I couldn't fight the urge to jump on her. I grabbed hold of her hair and tugged it as she screamed under me.

"She doesn't need protecting from him! He does everything for her! He takes care of her every day. Gave up everything for her. You have no idea the sacrifices he has made!" I felt two strong arms around my torso pulling me off her, she tried to get to me but Joel held her back.

"He's a murderer, Emily should know exactly what he's like you would've done the same. You know it, he knows it and now she knows it. He should be far away from her, rotting in jail." She spat out, throwing her limbs around trying to get free.

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