He took me to hell.

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"Shh Em, she's not well

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"Shh Em, she's not well." I heard his voice say but I kept my eyes closed. A bang made me wince and tighten my eyes even more. Even with them closed everything was bright.

"Emily!" He said sharply.

"I want her to wake up." Emily complained and another bang filled my booming head.

"It's too fucking loud and it's too fucking bright. What the fuck!" I groaned.

"Mia!" His voice shouted and I winced again. I heard Emily laugh and my eyes shot open realizing where I was. She jumped down on my body excitedly and I grumbled as a wave of nausea hit me.

"Emily please leave the room so I can talk to Mia." I sat up straight in the bed, pulling the sheet higher to hide my underwear from someone with a hella mad expression and a five year old who couldn't care less.

"He only wants you to leave so he can shout at me for yesterday." I whispered to Emily. She cringed instantly.

"Oh I hate it when he yells at me." She said. Noah folded his arms, losing more of his patience as time went on.

"Me too" I admitted. Emily jumped down from the bed, gathered up her brothers phone and disappeared into the other bedroom. "Does she know how to use that?" I asked, desperately trying to change the subject. He tilted his head to the side and gave me a silent stare.

"What were you thinking Mia? You got too drunk, had no self control." He unleashed his frustrations out on me, taking me by complete surprise.

"What the fuck Noah?" I asked holding my collapsing head.

"You can't turn up here drunk like that. You can't do that. You can't let that happen again." His stern voice was pissing me off. What exactly could I not let happen again? The drinking? The dancing? The kiss? Rubbing his dick and hearing him gasp with enjoyment?

"My head hurts, please stop trying to parent me. I'm not Emily." He folded his arms and tapped his foot hard against the floor.

"What you did was reckless and stupid." He was honestly making a mountain out of a molehill. I rubbed my temples willing his loud voice away. He flopped down on the bed beside me.

"Ughhhh don't rock the bed." I groaned trying to settle my insides. I propped myself up on my elbow to look at him. He was burning so hard with anger I was frightened he would catch on fire. "You really threw it all away, didn't you?" He caught my gaze and his eyes softened. He knew exactly what I meant yet still felt the need to question me.

"Threw what away?" His brow furrowed.

"Your teenage years. You don't party, get drunk... you don't make irresponsible decisions with girls late at night, you gave up your friends, your interests, your freedom... everything." He blinked at me slowly, giving me every response I ever needed.

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