Just to shut him up.

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"Mia!" Abbey waved me over during our first break

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"Mia!" Abbey waved me over during our first break.

"Hey!" I greeted her with the biggest smile, she was standing with Joel and a few of their other friends.

"I love your outfit." I looked down at myself, designer clothes are all that I own although I tried to tone it down daily, making sure no labels were on display. I couldn't take her compliment seriously, I knew nobody at Bell View appreciated good fashion.

"Thanks" I muttered shyly. I couldn't stop myself looking around for Noah, just like I had been all morning. I left him only hours ago when he told me he was going to work and I went home to shower and change but I haven't seen him around school at all since.

"Hope Noah didn't come down on you too hard for that whole dodgeball incident." Joel inquired with a knowing look on his face.

"You know Noah?" Abbey asked suspiciously.

My heart started pounding inside my chest, I didn't like talking about Noah. His secret rolled around my mind and I felt like they were interrogating me. For some stupid reason I thought they already knew about Emily and wanted to try and get me to talk. I felt my palms getting sweaty.

"He talks to her." Joel told her.

Abbeys eyes widened in shock but then she regained herself and tucked a dark strand of hair behind her ear. As if my mind knew he was there my eyes pulled up towards the door. Noah was heading through the entrance and walking up the corridor towards us.

He wore a navy coverall but it was rolled down to his waist and tied, his upper body was covered in a vest top that should have been white but instead was covered in black car grease. He looked filthy but so damn hot.

"He talks to you?" Abbey asked, not knowing Noah was getting really close to us now. "Well what does he say? Noah doesn't talk to anyone anymore." His golden eyes glowed in our direction and his brows furrowed. I shrugged, not feeling comfortable enough to talk about this with him so close. He stopped by his locker but I knew he was just listening to every word of our conversation.

"Wow, I can't believe Noah speaks to you." Abbey pointed out, almost to herself. Oh my god, please shut up. "Mia you need to be careful, you know he intentionally tampered with the car that killed his parents, right?" Abbey's look was one of complete seriousness.

Noah slammed his locker door shut and my shoulders shuddered at the sound. He marched over to us, taking the whole group by surprise. He took hold of my hand and led me away from the group, pulling me down the corridor almost too quickly to keep up.

"Noah, slow down!" I shouted as we turned heads of the people we passed. He slowed down but didn't say anything.

Eventually we ended up in the old locker rooms, they go mostly unused now. In fact the only reason people use them is for a hook up, a cigarette break or to ditch class. He finally let go of my hand.

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