Drunken texts.

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Adrenaline was pumping as I sat on the sidelines of the boxing ring

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Adrenaline was pumping as I sat on the sidelines of the boxing ring. Joel came bouncing over looking the part with silky knee length blue shorts and a couple of blue boxing gloves. Abbey held a plastic cup to his lips and he chugged down the beer then he nodded his head and she grabbed another, holding it to his lips again. I laughed.

"Shouldn't you be sober to fight?" I asked.

"Nah, too easy! The whole point is to be drunk princess! Get drinking!" Abbey handed me a cup and I placed it to my lips. She put her hand on the bottom and gently tilted it up to make me drink it faster. It was disgusting, warm and bitter. I was used to drinking fancy chilled champagnes from glass flutes at parties but I didn't complain. I was slowly getting used to the adjustment of princess to peasant.

I could see a hustle of money getting passed around the crowds and the whole thing felt extremely sketchy. Both Joel and I drank two more cups before he entered the ring. He was fighting someone much bigger than him in size, muscle and by my guess strength as well.

"Oh shit, I'm gonna need another one to watch this." I joked to Abbey. I tipped more beer down my throat and kept my eyes glued to the ring.

The two guys threw some punches around to one another and Joel blocked or dodged a few killer ones but eventually he got knocked on his ass and the referee called the match crowning the bigger guy the winner. 

"Let's face it, he had no chance." I laughed to Abbey, knocking back another beer. Everything just seemed so much happier with the alcohol swirling around my stomach.

"Come on!" Abbey grabbed my arm and helped me into the ring, the whole underground place started emptying out and Joel lay on his back in the middle, groaning in pain. Abbey and I lay next to him.

"That was brutal." He complained. Abbey passed him a beer and with slow movements he sat up and took a swig.

"You had no chance, that dude was three times your size!" I laughed. Staring up at the brown ceiling that was covered in so many different pipes all leading off in different directions. It made my mind fuzzy, or maybe that was the beer.

"I could have taken him." Joel scoffed. I laughed out loud.

"Then why didn't you?" I asked cockily.

"Because, princess." He fumbled with his pockets and pulled out a wad of cash and threw it onto my lap. "One thousand." He said and reached into his other pocket. "Two thousand." He threw another clump of notes at me. "Three thousand." He dropped the last clump onto my lap. My jaw fell open.

"You threw the fight?" I asked

"Three thousand to take a punch, too right I threw the fight. We don't all have rich daddies." He handed me the bottle of beer and I sat up to take a drink, finishing the contents of the bottle to make his words disappear along with my sobriety and then I lay back down.

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