And then...

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We waved goodbye to Emily at her school gates and then continued walking to our own school

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We waved goodbye to Emily at her school gates and then continued walking to our own school. Things between Noah and I seemed awkward, both staying incredibly quiet. When we reached the courtyard of our high school I didn't bother saying goodbye to him, I just walked faster in efforts to get away from him but I felt his arm pull me back.

"I will tell you everything. Anything you want to know, but you need to be sure because once you know the truth there's no going back." I nodded my head in agreement.

"Hang out with me tonight." I asked, knowing Emily was spending the night at her friends. His eyebrows raised with surprise and he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Hang out?" He tested the words out really slowly and I laughed.

"It's when people have fun together." I explained sarcastically. He smiled shyly, melting me completely.

"Fun?" He teased, testing yet another word out. His vocabulary was growing rapidly this morning.

"Yeah, but there's one condition. I don't want it to feel like I'm hanging out with a parental figure. I want to hang out with you, just a normal seventeen year old. No commitments, no worries, no second thoughts and whole bunch of stupid regrets in the morning."

"I suppose that can be arranged" He laughed.

It was almost inhumane at how slow the day went. Every now and again I would remind myself that I was getting to spend the whole night with Noah and excitement bubbled up inside my chest. On some level I hoped it would give me a glimpse into what he used to be like before I met him.

When the final bell rang I met him outside the gates, he was leaning against a wall scrolling through his phone. He didn't know I was watching and that's what made him even more attractive to me. I loved the frown lines that appeared on his head as he studied the content on his phone and I loved the way his lips curled up in distaste whenever he came across something he didn't like. I watched as he flicked the hair out of his eyes and swapped hands.

"Hey, what do you want to do?" He asked me as I approached him.

"I want you to show me what you did for fun, before you had responsibilities." His lips twitched and he paused for a moment to think about my proposal. Then he nodded his head and took hold of my hand, running through the streets, the only thing allowing me to keep up with his footsteps was the adrenaline pumping around my body.

"Joel tell you about our little tradition?" Noah asked me as we halted our steps outside East Side High. I shook my head, gaining an instantly bad feeling about this. Noah kept our fingers interlinked as he walked me to the back of the bleachers, slipping in underneath. It was Friday and East Side had a big lacrosse match today, I knew exactly what happened at those matches.

"Princess!" Joel screeched in a high pitched tone. I looked at Noah with questioning eyes. "What are you both doing here?" Noah gave me a head nod, willing me to answer for him.

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