Teenage bullshit.

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We kissed for approximately ten heavenly seconds

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We kissed for approximately ten heavenly seconds. His lips were soft and warm, they seemed to fit mine perfectly. But then he pulled back.

"What the fuck?" He asked with surprise. He brought his fingers to his lips and felt the softness of them for himself.

I could feel a blush creeping into my face from the sting of his rejection but he just looked confused.

"I wanted you to stop talking and quit thinking." I admitted shyly.

"So you kissed me?" He pinched his lower lip between his fingers and tugged gently, looking down at my parted lips. His breathing increased and a small 'V' appeared in the centre of his forehead.

"I'm sor—" he pulled my body close to his and crashed his lips down onto mine greedily. His strong hands found my hair, coiling it up and holding it back as he deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into my mouth.

It felt like a meteor shower was erupting from within, beautiful heated sparks flying everywhere in an uncontrollable way. The feelings were unique and magical like shooting stars travelling through a galaxy. Nobody has ever kissed me quite like Noah did. A million thoughts became condensed into one lustful moment between us.

It was steeped in passion, hunger and greed. I never wanted to break free from his lips and the hair grab just drove me utterly insane. In that moment of pure desire everything was blurred in my mind, like an hallucination, one only capable of being thought up inside my own fantasies. But through the fog there was one thing I knew for certain - Noah Scott knew how to kiss.

"No, uh, uh." He stepped back too abruptly, grabbing his own lips again. I panted, exhaling out through my swollen lips. They felt tender now and I knew they would look a shade of darker pink in colour. "I'm not doing this." He told me.

"Not doing what?" I asked, sounding a little hurt in the hopes that he would kiss me better.

"This teenage bullshit... I can't get involved in this." He stepped far back, putting distance between us. My heart hurt and I didn't know what to say.

"Noah..." I tried to reach out but he kept backing up like I was a demon out to get him.

"I gotta go but please just don't talk to Abbey, or the rest of them." He turned for the door, tripping over the leg of the gym bench but shaking it off and walking out with haste. I placed my hands over my lips, still warm and tender from the friction of his as I watched him run away from our heated moment.

He managed to avoid me for the rest of the day but chemistry was the last lesson and I knew he was in my class so I made a Pitt stop at the bathrooms and made sure my hair still looked in place. Then I chastised myself for making an effort when he was clearly too scared to be interested.

"There she is!" Joel cheered as I walked through the door, he moved a pile of papers aside and tapped on the chair next to him. My eyes wandered the room and settled on Noah. I could have sworn he blushed slightly and then looked away, slipping his earphones in and staring down at his phone. I smiled politely at Joel and took a seat next to him.

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