The Greatest Showdown.

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The lacrosse game was in full swing when they released the sheep, making chaos erupt from every angle

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The lacrosse game was in full swing when they released the sheep, making chaos erupt from every angle. We didn't stick around to relish in our misbehavior. In fact we got on our toes and ran like the wind. The element of danger was exciting, blood rushed around my body and adrenaline pumped through my veins.

We sat on the kerbside as Noah typed into his phone. "Are you checking for updates on Emily?" I asked. He glanced at me and then returned his gaze back to the screen.

"I'm sorry." He admitted shyly. "They think this is my uncles number so I text to check she hasn't changed her mind about sleeping there." He slipped his phone back into his pocket.

"What's next?" I asked, eager to keep this party going. Noah inhaled sharply.

"Normally we would hang out at the boxing ring, drinking but I haven't been there since the accident and I'm not friends with any of them anymore, it would be weird."

I stood up, swiping my hands over my bum to get rid of the imaginary dirt clinging to my jeans. His eyes followed me suspiciously.

"Let's go." I suggested, holding my hand out and willing him to take it with the power of my eye contact.

"It's alright for you Mia, you're friends with them." His eyes remained glued to my hand but he made no efforts to take it.

"You're not scared, are you Noah?" I teased. He frowned deeply and pursed his lips. After a few moments he took hold of my hand and climbed to his feet.

"For the record, I'm terrified." He said as we walked towards the underground boxing ring.

As we walked down the concrete steps Noah squeezed my hand tighter and I gave him a reassuring smile. The boxing ring was sketchy, somewhere the old me would never hang out. The walls were filled with graffiti art, drawings and words that I didn't understand and the people looked scary but bad ass. Benches in rows enclosed a platformed boxing ring and people just shared beer here like germs didn't exist. After all it's not like there would be a global outbreak of some deadly virus.

"Stay close, okay?" I laughed at his words and I wasn't sure if he was worrying about me or himself.

"Noah Scott!" A big guy stumbled over to us, he was heavily tattooed and had a bulls ring hanging out of his nose. "What do we owe this pleasure? It's been a minute." Noah shrugged but didn't say anything. The guy flicked his eyes down my body and then an appreciative smile crossed his lips. "Who's your friend?" He asked. Noah stood in front of me protectively.

"I'm Mia." I informed him confidently. Noah stood his ground, ordering him to back down with the powerful effect of his eyes.

"Relax Noah, everyone knows not to mess with your girl." The guy laughed.

"I'm not—" I started to say but Noah's eyes darted to me and he raised one eyebrow, telling me to shut up. The guy grabbed two cups from the side table and passed one to each of us.

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