Rewrite the stars.

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He brought me to an outdoor gazebo, it was a beautiful circular structure with a domed roof

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He brought me to an outdoor gazebo, it was a beautiful circular structure with a domed roof. I trailed my hand along the smooth, pine pillars, all perfectly carved in the most gorgeous patterns. The walls were only low and from the center of the gazebo you could see a blanket of stars in the navy sky that surrounded us. The illusion only continued inside the gazebo with solar paneled fairy lights twinkling on the roof.

"My dad built this." Noah said shyly. "He was a carpenter." He informed me.

"It's breathtaking." I whispered, still looking around with admiration.

"I didn't really appreciate the beauty of it, until now." He stepped closer to me and placed his hand on my cheek. "I didn't appreciate the beauty in a lot of things, I was too busy trying to deny it."

"Deny what?" I whispered as he hovered his lips only millimetres away from mine. Close enough for me to feel his breath but not quite allowing me to kiss him just yet.

"My feelings for you." I felt like a jolt of electricity had just coursed through my body, it was sharp and exciting. It woke me up.

Slowly he lowered his lips onto mine and I melted into his tender touch. His fingers gently ran through my hair and he poured himself into me affectionately. I opened my eyes, just to sneak a peek at him. His eyes were closed but every emotion he felt was still clearly present on his face and it made my heart flutter to see the pure desire and passion that he held for me.

His lips fell lower, landing on my neck and my eyes rolled to the back of my head, shivering under his touch at how divine everything felt. He lowered down the sleeves of my jacket and dropped it to the floor and I returned the favor by edging his clothing over his head. I pulled back just to appreciate his body, it was a work of art and I stroked my fingers down his bare chest feeling his muscles contract under my touch.

"You sure you want this?" He asked, still holding my face affectionately. I answered him by pulling my T-shirt off and fumbling with the button on my jeans.

"I don't have anything." He said with a disappointed tone.

"Like an STD?" I asked and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Like a condom Mia." I giggled at his tone.

"I'm on birth control." I pressed my lips against his again, and he held my waist bringing me closer to him. I wanted his hands in my hair, I loved it when he tugged my hair.

I grabbed his waistband and lowered his jeans and boxer shorts down together, dropping to my knees as I did. I came eye level with his manhood and gently I clutched my hand around the length moving backwards and forwards at a building pace. As I lowered my lips towards it I gazed up at him maintaining eye contact as I slowly took him into my mouth. He gasped seductively and I smiled to myself once his hands found my hair again.

I could feel his climax building but I didn't let him reach it, not yet. I pulled him down to the floor and hovered my body over his, kissing those sweet lips that call to me like a siren.

Then I stood myself up slipping down my panties, mentally arguing with myself for wearing branded underwear because I knew he wouldn't like that, but I wasn't expecting this to happen today. I shrugged to myself, at least I shaved my legs. A slow smile grew on his lips.

"What are you thinking?" He asked with amusement. I shook my head to indicate 'nothing' to him. And then straddled his hips, I reached behind my back and unclasped my bra, removing it completely as he looked up at me with maximum lust and temptation.

As we kissed his hand caressed the swell of my breasts, he teased my little pink nipple which stood to attention between his fingers. Then his hand traveled downwards and by some miracle his soft finger found my sweet spot straight away. I gasped into his mouth and then smiled against his lips as he stroked me slowly and tenderly down below.

My thighs tightened as his finger continuously whirled around my intimate area. I couldn't stand this slow, sexual torture. He made me feel like I was floating like a quasar somewhere in a far off galaxy.

I tugged on his lip with my teeth and he groaned sexually, clearly liking that.

"I need more." I whispered with a voice filled to brim of seduction. He pressed harder with his fingers but it wasn't enough, I needed him. Closer. More intimate. I needed him on me, now.

I pulled away from him and for a second he looked confused but I positioned myself higher on his body, lowering myself down on his lips. His tongue crashed onto my body and I closed my eyes, arching my back and tilting my head back in complete euphoria. He grabbed my thighs squeezing them as I rocked my hips backwards and forwards on his face.

This feeling was so intense I looked to the sky to see if we were making the stars collide, like this overwhelming feeling was bigger than me, bigger than him, bigger than all of us. It was powerful enough to make even the dimmest of stars burn bright or cause an asteroid to explode. I gripped the wooden railings, holding them tighter and tighter as I found my ultimate release.

"That was so fucking hot Mia." He said as I climbed off him. I straddled his waist again, lowering myself down onto him. He inhaled and his eyes twinkled with delight as he entered me. "Woah, that is... woah." He muttered lustfully.

I grabbed his hands and pinned them down above his head as I slowly moved my body up and down his. He was watching me the entire time, his eyes roaming freely over my whole body. I could see how much the sight turned him on. His teeth sank into his lips and hums of appreciation fell from deep within his throat. My body picked up the pace clenching around him, holding him tightly.

"Mia, fuck! You're good." He moaned.

My lips found his again as I moved my body faster, his hands now touching me in every sensitive place. And sweet moans and sexual sounds left our lips together, the sparks we induced by our undoing was like a meteor shower had broken the skies and fell all around us.

I fell to the ground, laying beside him feeling weakened by the power of my mind blowing orgasm. I don't think I'll be able to walk for a week. He cuddled into me, using our clothes as blankets and I mindlessly stroked the scar on his arm softly, he nuzzled my hair from behind.

A silence fell over us, a comfortable one. After a while my heart rate slowed and my breathing regulated, as did his.

"Emily invited me to her birthday party." I spoke through the comfortable silence.

"What birthday party?" He laughed.

"The huge one you're planning for her." I turned my head to face him but kept my body facing away.

"She's six, do they really need a birthday party?" He asked genuinely.

"Noah, stop it. I can't tell if you're being serious." He looked at me blankly. "Oh my God, you've planned nothing?" He shook his head slowly. "Well you've got a month." I laughed.

I snuggled down in his arms again feeling completely safe, warm and comforted. I decided that being in his arms was my favorite place to be in the world. I allowed my eyes to close and the whole world fell away.

 I allowed my eyes to close and the whole world fell away

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