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"Mia you can't stay in bed forever

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"Mia you can't stay in bed forever. You need to go to school, your principal called me because you've already missed two weeks."

I pulled the blanket over my head, blocking out her words. My hot breath made everything stuffy and humid really quickly but I didn't care. I just snuggled further down into his hoodie which has not left my body since the last time I saw him. I know I ought to go to school but I just can't face him.

Mom yanked the duvet off my body and I winced as the cold air crashed into me like a truck. She stomped over to the window and pulled the curtains open and I winced again, closing my eyes to block out the burning sun.

"Get up. Get a shower. Get to school. I'm sick of seeing you mope about in bed, the girl I raised is more independent than that. Stop crying over some boy." I sat up and scooted to the edge of my bed.

"You didn't raise me mom, Merida did." I pushed past my mom and locked myself in the bathroom. I glanced in the mirror and I'm not going to lie, the sight staring back at me was anything but pleasant.

My dark hair was knotted, my eyes had bags and I swear I gained one or two wrinkles in Noah's absence. I looked down at his over-sized hoodie, it no longer smelt like him but just knowing that he wore it made me feel warmer somehow.

I turned the water on, letting the steam clog in the air and I slowly peeled off my clothes. I put everything in the laundry basket except his hoodie and then stepped under the water. My mom was right, I needed to stop crying over Noah. Today was day one in getting over him.

I ended up on the school bus looking quite put together, on the outside. I wore a Gucci dress complete with a belt that showcased the logo for all to see. I didn't care anymore, I liked my designer clothes and I wasn't going to change that just to please other people. I took the time to put a waterfall braid in my hair and I put mascara on because today I was doing no crying.

I could feel people staring at me and even worse I could hear the whispers fall from their lips but I kept my head held high and ignored them all. Abigail gave me the stink eye as she walked past me and took a seat at the back of the bus but I just looked out of the window, feeling my heart rate increase the closer we got to the school building.

I knew Noah wouldn't be there, not straight away anyway because he works at the repair shop in the mornings but that didn't make the transition into school any easier.

"Mia! You look extremely princessy today! Where have you been?" Joel slummed into the locker beside me and waited for me to load in my books.

"I had the worst menstrual cramps." I replied just as I had rehearsed in my head.

"Ew." Joel muttered in disgust. I smiled to myself knowing my plan worked. Mention mensuration to any guy and they are instantly done with the conversation.

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