Boathouse Party.

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"Oh honey, didn't you wear that dress for Barnaby's summer party?" Gabrielle greeted me by pulling me close, kissing my cheek and insulting me

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"Oh honey, didn't you wear that dress for Barnaby's summer party?" Gabrielle greeted me by pulling me close, kissing my cheek and insulting me. I squirmed uncomfortably in her arms, I would never admit to her in a million years that I couldn't afford to buy a new outfit.

"Gabi, be nice. I've just been to her apartment and quite frankly I wouldn't let a wild rat sleep in it. The dress is hardly number one on her list of worries." Micheal laughed, I gave him a disappointed stare. He ignored the look and just waved over the bartender, taking a glass of champagne off a silver tray and casting his lips around the edge. Within seconds he spluttered the liquid out everywhere.

"This is disgustingly warm, you're not getting paid tonight." He told the waitress. She looked as if she were about to cry and I gave her an apologetic stare. Micheal waved her off in dismissal like she was merely a pest intruding.

Nobody bat an eyelid at how Michael treated the server, this was normal behavior for these kids. I, however saw things in a different light. That server is working her ass of just to earn next to nothing. She deserved to be treated with more respect than all of these trust fund babies put together.

"Did you hear Kimberly lost her trust fund because she got caught giving Chad a nosh in her bathroom." Gabrielle intentionally asked, her dark eyes peered at me behind her expensive mink lashes. "Sorry Mia, did I offend you by talking about trust funds?" I could hear the malicious tone in Gabi's voice.

She tossed back her black hair and ran her fingers along her pearl necklace, smiling sweetly at me in order to fool me of her apologetic stance. I have known Gabi all of my life, I could read her like an open book. Her manipulative manner, her dark personality and her subtle bitchiness were all talents she possessed. At one time she had me fooled, I called her my best friend and I treated her like one. But recently I woke up to the fact that she had been a frenemy all of this time.

"I need some air." I turned and headed towards the door, walking down onto the port to put some distance between me and the pretentious losers I used to call friends.

"Mia, wait." Michael grabbed my arm and halted my steps, I turned to face him, first looking at the grip he kept on my arm. "What's your problem?" He asked fiercely.

"Nothing, let go." I warned, attempting to pull away. His grip tightened, clenching his claws into my skin.

"Bullshit, you've been acting strange ever since you started at that darn school. Are you jealous or something?" I tried to walk away from his ridiculous accusation but he held my arm tighter, pulling me back.

"Get off Michael, you're hurting me, I'm leaving." I tried to pull away again but he pulled me back.

"Don't be such a fucking slut Mia, just come back to the party." He dragged me back towards the party and I protested dragging my feet along the floor and shouting at him. Struggling to fight him off while wearing high heels was no walk in the park.

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