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School at night was creepy, I could hear the wind howling through the corridors, rattling the main entrance door even though it was locked from the outside

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School at night was creepy, I could hear the wind howling through the corridors, rattling the main entrance door even though it was locked from the outside. I picked up the pace, heading towards the library because I knew that's where I left my jacket.

My heart left my body when someone grabbed me and pulled me into the gym. I tried to scream, mentally I was screaming but physically I was unable to because there was a hand plastered across my lips. After my initial meltdown I focused in on his eyes, like sun-dried sand on a tropical beach. He was fearful and on guard, still covering my mouth.

"What are you doing here? You need to leave. You need to leave right now." He whispered, seemingly mad at me, probably because of our dodgeball game earlier but somehow it wasn't just fury he dispelled. Noah was deeply unsettled.

"Mmm Mmmm" I mumbled under his hand.

He looked down at his hand and muttered "oh" and then released my lips so that I was free to talk.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. His eyes widened and he slapped his hand back over my lips again.

"Shhh" he whispered, looking around frantically. My eyes also scanned the room, looking for whatever he was looking for. I couldn't move my head because his hand was keeping it still.

"You have to go." He told me in the quietest voice that he could manage then he added "... please."

I have never heard his voice thick with emotion before. Normally he remained calm always but right now, seeing me here he was afraid and I had no idea what was scaring him.

"Why are we whispering? Nobody is here?" I whispered. His brows furrowed and he looked at the gym door.

"Mia, Please. I'll do anything if you just leave right now and don't ask any questions about this, don't mention it again. The other stuff I'll answer. I will tell you everything, anything but not this. Please I beg you, just leave." He was crumbling in front of me, hysterically looking at the doorway and then back to me like he expected someone to walk through it.

"You can trust me you know?" I held his arm in a comforting way trying to calm his raging fear.

"Trust you? How can I trust you? I don't even know you." He pulled his arm away from me and ran his fingers through his hair. His earthy coloured strands became cutely tussled on his head and I smiled at how endearing he looked. I decided to put him out of his misery.

"Okay fine, I'll leave. No questions." I started walking towards the door. "But if you find my jacket keep it safe, it's expensive and I want it back." I called out to him as I walked away.

He had already started nervously pacing the room and I just laughed at him and shook my head in amusement. I figured he was here to do something delinquent-ish. Maybe vandalism or perhaps getting back at a student - probably Joel by filling his locker with flour or some other immature prank.

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