Happy Birthday

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"Mia please come, he won't mind that you're there

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"Mia please come, he won't mind that you're there." Joel pleaded with me relentlessly but I turned down the offer each time.

"I can't Joel, just please give her my gift and tell her I said happy birthday." He reluctantly took my gift with a sigh.

"Mia I hope you know you're shattering a six year olds dream right now. She told me that she missed you and that you promised her you would be there." He was trying to guilt trip me but I couldn't face Noah. He hadn't attempted to speak to me since I told him to leave me alone.

"Trust me Joel, things are better if I just stay away. There will be so much going on she won't even notice that I'm missing." I busied myself with my study books and he started gathering up his things to leave.

"Okay Mia. I'm gonna head over there now but while you're nose deep in calculus just remember there's a girl crying as she blows out her birthday candles, wasting her one and only birthday wish on your no-show ass." I threw a crumpled paper at him as he headed out of the door, once I was alone I flopped down on my bed feeling the heavy weight of Joel's guilt trip.

I did promise her.

Maybe I could slip in, give her my gift and then slip out. Unnoticed by Noah. I jumped off my bed and chased after Joel, he managed to get out of my apartment building and down the street by the time I had caught up with him.  He didn't even acknowledge my change of heart, he just linked my arm and smiled at me knowingly.

It didn't take us long before we got to the park as we walked the footpaths my heart thundered inside my chest like the beat of a marching band. This was the first time I had set foot in the park since that day, over a month ago. 

"What the fuck?" Joel exclaimed.

I looked ahead and could see an extravagant circular tent in red and yellow. It wasn't massive but it was certainly big enough to turn heads.

"Wow." I muttered in disbelief, I knew Jaynes talents but even I was impressed.

"How the fuck did they pull this off?" I shrugged my shoulders and gripped his arm tighter as we got closer and closer to the tent.

"I don't want to run into Noah, this is just a quick visit." I told Joel and he rolled his eyes unsympathetically.

"Mia!" Both Emily and Noah were standing at the door greeting guests. She clung her small arms around my waist tightly. I didn't dare look at Noah and I could feel my cheeks burning up in case he heard what I just said to Joel.

"See I told you Noah." Emily turned to Noah proudly. "I told you she wouldn't break her promise." She stuck her tongue out at her brother. "He told me you weren't going to come." She said awkwardly and finally I allowed myself to look at him.

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