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I sat in the cafeteria, eating a baked potato that tasted dryer than the Sahara desert

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I sat in the cafeteria, eating a baked potato that tasted dryer than the Sahara desert. My eyes floated over the kids all around me, this school wasn't really cliquey. They had sports teams but none of them were any good so it didn't really qualify them for instant popularity.

Every table was taken with different students. I liked how the goths sat with the jocks or the science nerds ate with the cheerleaders. It was nice to see everybody getting along without the fear of being bullied or looked down on.

"Princess!" Joel sat down at my table, bringing Abbey with him. I rolled my eyes at the nickname but I would rather be called 'princess' over 'Amelia' any day. He dropped two small cartons of butter down on my tray and smiled at me.

"The potatoes are dryer than a nuns pus—"

"Joel!" Abigail thankfully interrupted. I took the butter and coated my potato with it, secretly smiling to myself at Joel's crude humor. "What's he doing in here?" Abbey whispered, directing my attention to the cash registers.

Noah held his tray in two hands and roamed his sight around the cafeteria looking for a place to sit. He caught my gaze for a split second and I narrowed my eyes at him. It was only then that I noticed every single person in the room was also watching him. He took himself to an empty table and sat down, starting to eat his food.

I watched as people approached the table but the second they noticed it was Noah sitting there they deterred their direction and sat somewhere else. Every seat in the room was accompanied except for the seven seats surrounding Noah. People really were scared of him.

"Okay, nothing is making this edible." I admitted, throwing my fork down on the mutilated potato. "I'm gonna go grab a fruit bag and head to my locker before the bell rings." Joel and Abbey waved me off and I quickly made my way through the corridors and grabbed my gym stuff from my locker. I was dressed for gym class with my dark hair tied back into a ponytail before the bell even rang.

"Good afternoon class - Lyla tie your shoelaces - today we're going to play dodgeball." The gym teacher said excitedly. I scoffed under my breath, the gym at East Side was world class, with all the proper equipment gymnasts use. This was a empty sports hall with a draught.

"Team captains!" The teacher shouted with pep. "Joel and Freddy." I folded my arms across my chest and leaned back against the wall, waiting to be picked. Joel and Freddy rattled off names one by one, dwindling down the load until there were only a few unpicked students left. I glanced at Joel, wide eyed in a bid to communicate that he better pick me. He picked someone else.

"Hey! I'm good. None of you have seen me play, I got a lot of anger to release." I informed the two teams, feeling a little offended that neither of them picked me. Joel especially since I thought we were friends.

"Sorry Princess, Hannah I pick you." Joel said with a wolfish grin. I growled my annoyance.

It came down to me and Noah. Neither of us looked at one another. Our glare stuck on Joel's and Freddy's. They floated their eyes between us both, making it extremely obvious they didn't want to choose us.

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