Girl Talk.

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My phone had been ringing non-stop

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My phone had been ringing non-stop. Over the past week I had become accustomed to flipping it on silent and ignoring the influx of calls. But with Emily here I need my phone on loud in case Noah tries to ring. It's always the same number trying to contact me, his number and I always give him the same reaction. Reject and ignore. What does he even want?

"What do you want to do Emily?" I asked her, slipping my phone away.

"I would like to watch a movie please Mia." Emily jumped down on the sofa and I opened up the dvd drawer, looking to see what age appropriate dvds I had.

"What would you like to watch?" I turned back to her wanting to hear some of her suggestions but a big smile grew on her face and she wiggled her eyebrows at me suggestively. I laughed out loud.

"Seriously?" I asked her and she nodded. I shook my head and laughed, slotting the greatest showman disc in.

We pretty much fell into a food coma, overloaded on delicious snacks. She was leaning against my arm and towards the end of the movie her eyes started drooping.

"Shall we go to bed?" I asked her and she nodded gently. I took her hand and guided her into the bedroom.

"You share a bedroom with your mom?" She giggled behind her hand and I nodded my head, peeking over at my moms empty bed. I didn't want to explain the ins and outs of our living situation to a five year old.

"I used to share a room with my mom." She said sadly, picking up my doll and stroking her hair. I held in my breath, not knowing how Noah would want me to approach this situation.

"You did?" I asked carefully.

"Well I used to share her bed and she always tried to get me to sleep in my own room but I never did. I sneaked back into her room every night and slept right in the middle of her and my dad." Emily waved my doll around making her dress twirl. I sat down on the bed beside her.

"You remember your parents well?" I asked gently. She nodded her head.

"A little, Noah doesn't like to talk about them so I forget things." She sighed and put my doll down, her little eyes looked up at me so raw with emotion.

"You want to tell me about them?" I offered. She threw herself back on my bed, adjusting the pillows to get comfortable.

"My dad used to eat these sweets all the time. Humbugs, they were hard so I was never allowed them but they smelt like mint and that always reminds me of him. And my mom always had this vanilla perfume, sometimes she would spray it on me." I smiled at her fond memories.

"I remember the day it happened. They wanted us to go out and I got all dressed nice. But Noah was shouting at them. He didn't want to come. He was always shouting at them. My mom would cry because he was so mean. I didn't like Noah then."

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