A friend with a warning.

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I sat at the back of history class listening to the teacher waffle on about the 18th century, I knew most of what he was teaching because it had already been covered at my last school but I refrained from raising my hand in class because I didn't ...

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I sat at the back of history class listening to the teacher waffle on about the 18th century, I knew most of what he was teaching because it had already been covered at my last school but I refrained from raising my hand in class because I didn't want to draw even more attention to myself. I just listened, trying not to fall asleep.

A small folded note landed on my desk and I turned to see where it came from. An all-American guy with golden blonde hair and a friendly smile nodded at me enthusiastically so I started unfolding the note.

'Hey princess. Mia, right? I'm Joel. Wanna hang out on Saturday? There's this thing on the port the whole school will be there.'

I picked up my pencil and started making marks on the paper furiously. I was getting really fed up of the new nickname that I had been allocated by everyone that I have ever spoken to here.

'Joel, I am busy Saturday night with my boyfriend.' I scrunched up the paper into a ball aggressively and threw it at him. His eyes widened at my response but he got to writing back immediately, then carefully he folded the paper and dropped it onto my desk.

'Just thought you would like to have at least one friend here.' I turned to him after reading over his words and he shrugged innocently.

Once the last bell rang he left straight away so I quickly grabbed my belongings and chased after him, feeling like a dick. I grabbed his arm and he turned to face me.

"Hey, I'm sorry. People have been giving me a hard time here. I just don't fit in, apparently and you called me princess so I thought you were another one out to get me."

He slung his arm around me in a friendly gesture and it took me a little by surprise. I'm not really a tactile person.

"Come on" he laughed. He walked with me to the courtyard and beeped his car open. "Get in." He shouted over to me. I obliged his wishes and climbed into his car. He fumbled with the radio and set the car into drive, I had no idea where we were going.

Until we ended up out front his house, I felt nervous. His house wasn't anything fantastic but it was a castle compared to the apartment I currently lived in. He fixed us drinks as I stood awkwardly in his kitchen, shifting from one foot to another.

"Let's go upstairs." He walked out and I followed behind him, not really wanting to go upstairs to a guys bedroom who I just met. Especially when his parents were not home. He got halfway up when he realized I wasn't following him and turned back to face me.

"Mia, you know I'm not into you. Right?" He laughed. I didn't know if I should feel comforted by that or insulted. He laughed harder, probably at my bewildered facial expression. I stormed past him up the stairs, hearing his laughter trailing behind me.

He led me to his bedroom and I looked around, it was mostly decorated with grey, black and white shades. He had boxing trophies and ribbons on display and I skimmed my hand over them, reading the plaques. He had a large punching bag hanging from the ceiling and I hit it a few times, making it sway ever so slightly.

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