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Skye at the side.

She was early.

She was excited.

She was bouncing of the balls of her feet.

According to her, what was the point of waiting for another hour to meet him when she could tell him now?

She stared at the house. She'd already come this whole way.

She stared at the letter. It had a stamp already, but hadn't been sealed yet.

She wanted him to read it before she sent it.

She pulled out the bundle of keys that she never left home without and glanced through until she found the right one.

His house key.


She stopped, her hand clasping the cool metal.

He had been so distant lately.

He froze when she hugged him.

He never slept over anymore.

Would he even care?

She had already come this whole way. She might as well.

She thought about making a grand entrance and screaming, "I'm ho-ome!" but decided there was no point, he was the only one at home and he probably wouldn't hear her.

She shook her head fondly, stupid boy always had his rock music at high volume.

She was greeted by silence.

No rock music.


She shrugged and heading up the stairs. He would be proud of her, she decided as she gave her letter another glance. He would say that he was happy that she was finally brave enough.

She had her hand on the knob when she heard the argument.

She should have turned around and come back later.

She knew it was not her business to stay.

Her brain told her that he would be disappointed in her.

She crouched next to the keyhole and listened.

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