~thirty one~

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I don't even know anymore, guys. I'm just having such a sucky day. I'm sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm typing this from my phone because MY LAPTOP KEEPS CONKING OFF! I tried to write this chapter about three times before giving up. If this doesn't save, I'll probably kill something.

Dedicated to caffeine_addict because her story just made my day. Thank you, I needed it.

She stood outside her front door and took a deep breath.

"You got this." The boy standing next to her said encouragingly, squeezing her hand.

She knocked.

She heard some shuffling noises before her mother opened the door. Her eyes were wide and glossy, shimmering with happiness.

"He's here?"

She didn't need to ask, the look on her face said everything.

"He's been waiting for you." She gushed, practically pulling her daughter, and indirectly, Bash, along with her.

In the living room was her father.

He was sitting in his armchair, staring at the fireplace but when he heard footsteps, he looked up.

When he saw his daughter, he jumped to his feet.

"Daddy," Skye whispered softly, her vision clouding with tears.

Bash squeezed her hand on last time before letting go.

"My sweet girl." Her father muttered, walking towards her in a daze.

"I'm so sorry, daddy." She said, as she stood in front of her dad.

"Hush, non of that, my little girl."

And with that, she was in her father's arms.

She had always thought her father gave her the best hugs.

Once she'd finally stopped crying, her father let go of her.

His attention immediately focused on the boy standing behind them.

"Who are you?" He demanded, not liking what this was leading to.

Bash blinked.

"Um..." He seemed to be in a loss for words.

"That's my boyfriend, Sebastian." Skye said, smiling.

Her mother's eyes widened, "When did this happen?" She shrieked, playfully glaring at her daughter.

Skye turned pink, "A few hours ago?"

Her father made a disapproving noise.

Bash finally found his voice.

"Pleased to meet you Mr. Morris. Skye's told me a lot about you." He held out his hand for him to shake.

Her father ignored it.

"So you can speak." He noted, "I was beginning to think you were dumb. Tell me, boy, do you know that I killed a man?"

He said this while rubbing his hands together in a evil manner.

"Dad!" Skye shrieked, horrified.

Her father shrugged.

"Well, it's a good thing we're leaving, then." He said.

Skye blinked, "What do you mean, leaving?"

Her father grinned, "We're moving back to Jacksonville!"

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