Read me

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Hey guys,

Sorry this isn't a chapter.

I know you guys are disappointed, but I promise I will have a chapter out tonight, or tomorrow morning at the latest.

So, I recently (like few hours ago) started my own blog on Wordpress. It will deal with anything book related, from reviews to recommendations to just random rants about books I read.

And it would mean the world to me if you would check it out because I am doing it, not only for fun, but from college admission perspective.

I love Wattpad, but it isn't going to help me get into a good uni.

Not that I'm going to stop writing on Wattpad.

Of course not, never.

I do follow back, because it's a blog. It's like reading what's on people's minds all the time.

I'd really appreciate this one guys. It's on the external link.

Thank you,


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