~twenty one~

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She bit his palm.

"Ouch," He muttered, "Jesus, Skye."

"What the hell are you doing?" She shrieked.

"Trying to get you to talk to me, since you're being bloody difficult."

Skye sighed, "I really can't do this right now."

Immediately, Bash looked at her, concerned, "What's wrong?"

Skye frowned, "What's wrong is that I'm getting late for school."

She tried to push past him but he grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him, gently.

"Is everything alright at home? Your mom? Or-?" He had a knowing look in his eyes.

Bash was one of the first person she had ever told about her father.

She was to tired to snap at him.

She just nodded, trying to blink tears away.

She was tired.

So she didn't say anything when his arms went around her.

She moved so that her her head was resting on his shoulder, her tears soaking his chest.

"Sh," He muttered as he rocked her slowly, "It's alright. You'll be alright."

Would she be?

She didn't know.

But she let herself believe.

She didn't know how long they stayed like that, in each other's arms, in Ruby's dark supply closet.

Until she broke the silence.

"I heard what you said." She said softly.

"What?" He sounded confused.

"In your room, to Ashley. What you told her. I was outside, I heard everything."

Bash looked like somebody punched him.

"You-you heard what I said?"

She felt like crying but she didn't have any tears left.

She felt drained.

"You have to believe me," He whispered, "I didn't want you to find out like that."

He reached out to her, "Skye, please. What I said that day, I mean every word. I always have, always will."

He ripped her heart out.

"How could you?" She whispered, "You know what I'm going through, and you still try to make my pain worse. You are cruel, Sebastian Taylor."

His face fell.


"Save it." She hissed, "Do me a favor and stay the hell away from me."

She pushed him away from her and ran out as fast as her legs could take her.

Now, she had truly lost everything.


I don't know why this chapter was so hard to write. I just felt like, no, I can't do this to them. I feel like I'm going to get a lot of death threats now.

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