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For TheNerdsGirl, my best friend.

Isobel on the side.

"Que sera, sera." Marcus crooned, nudging her to join in.

She laughed and slapped his arm gently, but joint in with the rest.

"Whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see. Que sera, sera."

She didn't know when they had resorted to singing. So far, she had woken up from bed at five in the morning and driven to school, something she would under normal circumstances never do, just to attend a drama club meeting. She had been bombarded with the names of seventeen new people, been sat on twice, some random girl (whose name she now knew as Isobel) had hugged her and some of the guys in the corner were making animal noises.

She was wondering why she hadn't come sooner.

"This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it, been so long I forgot how to turn it up-"

"Sorry," She muttered and pulled her phone out of her pocket. She looked down at the screen.

Bash Taylor.

His contact picture made her bite her lip to stop the tears.

She remembered the day that picture had been taken.

He had come to her house early in the morning and snapped a picture of her while she was still sleeping. She had run after him and jumped on him in order to wrench his phone out of his grasp, with intentions of deleting all evidence of her drooling. Her mother had sneaked up on them and taken a picture of them while they were wrestling.

"Eh," Isobel muttered, "Is this what you normally do when somebody calls you?"

She blinked. She realized he had been staring at the picture. The screen now read 'One missed call from Bash Taylor'.

"Sorry." She muttered.

So the ship name for Bash and Skye is officially Baye!

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