~twenty six~

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Skye did a double take.


She would have fallen if she hadn't been sitting.

"Is this some sick joke?"

Ashley looked surprised, "I thought you said you heard the conversation. He was pretty clear about how he felt."

Skye blinked, "No, no no no no." She chanted, "He told he was using me. He said he needed me to escape the drama. He said that he didn't care."

Ashley suddenly understood, "You didn't hear the whole conversation, did you?

"I thought I heard enough."

"You didn't. He said that that's what I wanted him to say, but that he didn't care about what I or anybody else thought. He loves you, and that's that."

Skye just stared at her for a bit.

She was silent as the facts swum around in her head, overpowering the assumptions.

She had been an idiot.

She had jumped to conclusions, just like she always did.

Bash hadn't ruined their friendship, she had.

She blinked back tears of frustration, tears of regret, tears of helplessness.

"I ruined it, didn't I?" She whispered softly.

Ashley smiled at her, "Well, I don't know a hell load about love, but one thing that those shitty romance novels have taught me is that love is unconditional. Or maybe that was the Katy Perry song. Anyway, love isn't love if it flies away like a twig in a hurricane. Love is when you win. Love is when life is perfect. That boy will always love you, no matter how hard you try to push him away, because that's what love does to a person. It changes them for the better. It wakes them up. It makes them feel alive."

Skye just stared at her. When Ashley caught her look, she turned an unflattering shade of maroon.

"Who are you in love with?" Skye asked softy.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Ashley said, staring at her feet, still very maroon.

"You obviously love somebody. Who is it?" Skye was enjoying herself.

Ashley looked flustered, "Look, this isn't about me, this is about you. Go find lover boy."

Skye smiled at her new friend, "You know what, Ashley? I think I will."

Hola, chicas.

I dunno why I did that because I sure as hell am not Spanish, neither do I know a pennyworth of the language.

Wait, what?

Okay, I need food.

Okay, bye.

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