~thirty seven~

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By lunch time, the whole whole school knew about them.

"It's caused quite an outrage." Maia commented as they walked to the cafeteria.

"Tell them to stop staring, it's creepy." Skye grumbled, clutching her books closer to her chest.

"Oi, stop staring." Ashley yelled, glaring at a poor student who had been staring at Skye, "You're acting like creepy stalkers. Get a life."

Isobel looked shocked, "Did you have to be so mean?"

Skye groaned, "It doesn't matter, you just gave them another thing to gossip about."

"Yes, I can see tomorrow's headlines now," Maia said dramatically, "Evil Queen and Snow White reconcile? 'Tis a scandal."

Ashley rolled her eyes, "Can we eat now? I might be able tolerate you with a full stomach."

Maia smiled sweetly, "I'm sure salad and water is very filling."

Ashley glared at her, but before she could say anything, Isobel stopped and squeaked.

Maia looked concerned, "Isobel, what-"

"Did someone trample on you again?" Ashley asked, frowning.

But Isobel was grinning. She turned to Skye, her eyes shining, "I think I have a solution to your problem."

Skye turned to the direction in which she was pointing and saw the piece of paper that was hanging on the wall.

Then she smiled.


"There's an empty table," Maia shrieked, "Come on."

They followed her, trying to make sure their trays don't tumble.

"This is going to cause even more outrage." Skye grumbled as she followed Maia.

"I can see it now," Maia informed them as they sat down, "Another calamity strikes! What will happen to status quo? Only time will tell."

"No no no, no no no," Isobel, the only one of them with a decent voice stated singing, "Stick to the stuff you know. If you wanna be cool, follow one simple rule. Stick to the stuff you know, stick to the status quo."

They grinned as they recognized the upbeat HSM song.

The boys came up to them.

"Hello ladies," Shawn greeted as the three of them sat down, "Thanks for saving us seats."

Ashley snorted.

Bash kissed her forehead, "How was your day?"

She grinned at him cheekily, "How're your ears?"

He groaned, "Don't remind me."

Marcus and Trevor came up to them, "Can we sit?" Marcus asked.

"Yes," Ashley grumbled, "Only because you asked."

Marcus looked surprised that she talked to him but he smiled at her and sat down.

She blushed into her salad.

Skye smirked.

Ashley saw her and glared.

Shawn was trying to catch his food in his mouth.

Bash had his arm lazily around her chair and was talking to Oliver.

Trevor and Marcus were throwing more food for Shawn to catch.

Isobel and Ashley were looking at the boys with identical disgusted expressions.

Maia, well, you never knew what Maia might be thinking.

Skye smiled.

That was the day their table came into existence.


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