~twenty four~

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No one came to this part of the school.

Classes were going on and the small area behind the side entrance was deserted.

Skye sat there, staring at the wall.

She had never ditched class before.

She just couldn't face anybody right now.

But then again, being in class, among all those loud voices, it was hard to think. Here, in the silence, her thoughts were as loud as a siren.

She just wanted one day.

One drama free day.

One day where she didn't have to deal with the shit that came with being Skye Ann Morris.

One day.

"What are you doing here?" Came a voice from behind her.

She took what she had said before back.

Apparently no one but Ashley Whitman came to this part of the school.

"I could ask you the same question."

Ashley sighed, "I followed you."

Skye raised her eyebrows, "You followed me." She repeated, "Why?"

"I wanted to talk to you." She told her, "Can I sit?"

She nodded, "You wanted to talk to me?" She repeated, "Why?"

Ashley rolled her eyes, "Well, you're still annoying."

Skye snorted, "And yet here we are. What can I do for you, Ashley?"

She sighed, "I don't really know how to say this."

Skye narrowed her eyes, "You could always, I dunno, spit it out."

Ashley stared at her nails, "I know," She said, "About your father. That he's in jail. I'm so sorry."

Skye would have strangled her if the girl hadn't been close to tears.

"How," She gritted out, "Did Bash tell you?"

Her eyes widened, "No. Skye, Sebastian would kill himself before he even thought about spilling your secrets."

Skye wasn't convinced, "Marcus, then."

Ashley blinked, "Who?"

Skye sighed, "Who the hell told you, then?"

Ashley swallowed, "My big sister. Her name is Stephanie."


I hope you guys remember who Stephanie is. Oh, and thank you so much for #32. I think I fainted when I saw it.

Night amigos!

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