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Please read the note at the end of the chapter. Dedicated to hepburnettes for making me fall in love with writing.

Dear Daddy,

She had scratched that out. It hadn't felt right to call him that anymore.

Dear Dr. Morris,

She had scratched that out too. Who was she kidding? He was still her father.


That was good enough.

You are probably surprised to see this letter. I don't know if you had given up hope of ever hearing from me, or that you were still waiting.

Okay, who am I kidding. You were still waiting, weren't you?

We live in Miami now and it's awesome. You'd like it here. There's a big community college here and I bet their Shakespearean literature professor isn't as good as you were.

She had scratched out the last word.

-as good as you are.

You're probably wondering why I didn't write. Truthfully, I don't know. I was scared. I felt like I didn't know who to believe.

I still don't believe it. They told me you abused a student. They said you raped her, got her pregnant. They said you killed a man.

You would never do that to mom.

You would never do that to me.

I was mad at you. I still am. Why would you lie and admit to a crime you haven't committed? Did you want to get put in jail?

Why did you leave us daddy?

You said I was a big girl. You said I could take care of myself. You told me to take care of mom.

You said I would manage.

But you're wrong.

I'm your big girl. I want you to take care of me.

I don't want to manage.

I want you.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I was selfish. I wanted you to be here, with me. I wanted you to stay.

I wasn't ready to face this. I felt like I had nothing to say to you. I was wrong. I have so much to say, daddy.

I want to come home and find you there. I want you to agree with me when I call a guy a douchebag. I want you to chase after boys with a broom when I get them home. I want you to sit beside the fireplace and read in the evenings. I want you to walk into the kitchen at seven in the morning and demand coffee.

I want you here dad. Here, with mom and me. Here where you belong.

I've been waiting two years.

I wish I didn't have to.

I wish you didn't have to.

I have tried to compose a letter so many times. Maybe this time, I'll finally have the guts to send it.

I love you,


The letter fell from her hand as she cried.

Little did she know that the next day when the letter reached its destination, the man in the cell cried too.

Hey guys.

This was probably the hardest chapter for me to write. I felt like the Evil Queen just pulled my heart out.

So, there's one more thing I've been meaning to ask you guys. I've noticed you guys have stopped commenting on the chapters. I was just wondering why. Are the chapters not interesting anymore? Do you not like reading it anymore? Because I love hearing from you guys. I love reading about what you have to say about my book. It motivates me to write. It also helps me decide whom to dedicate the chapter to.

I hope you guys enjoyed.

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