~thirty three~

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They were sitting in her car.

She'd told her parents she was going to drop him home, and then come back.

Her mother had smiled and nodded, and her father had grumbled something about taking his little girl away from him.

But this time, when Bash held out his hand for her father to shake, he stared at it with disdain but slowly shook it, making Bash smile.

"You better not hurt her." He muttered menacingly, before giving his hand a hard shake, gripping Bash's hand rather tight in his own.

"Yes sir." Bash replied confidently, ignoring the fact that her father was crushing his fingers in his grip.

Her father nodded, satisfied, "I suppose you can call me Sam."

Bash look surprised, "Sure si-Sam."

"Now get out of here."

That's how they ended up in the car.

"So, what are you going to do?"

She looked at him, "What?"

He rolled his eyes, "About what your dad said, what are you going to do?"

She grinned, "Know I not, what to do."

He threw his beanie at her.

"Hey!" She said, laughing, "You started Yoda talk."

"You're trying to avoid the topic." He noted.

She sighed, "Because I have no clue what to do."

Bash grinned, "Are you going to hit me if I said that rhymed?"

She whacked him on the shoulder, laughing.

"Drop me off at Shawn's place, alright?"

She smiled, "COD battle?"

He nodded, "Long overdue."

She pulled up in Shawn's driveway. "Here we are."

He grinned at her and turned towards the door, "Thanks."

"Wait!" She said.

He turned around she pressed their lips together.

"Bye." She whispered.

He kissed her again. "Bye." He muttered before kissing her nose and leaving the vehicle.

She leaned back and sighed.

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