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Dedicated to disperks because I really like her stories. Enjoy, guys!

"So, class. As you know, every year the senior year, that's you, put on a play as a fundraiser for charity. Participation, if not in front of the screen then behind it, is compulsory. Any questions?"

Marcus raised his hand, "What play will we be putting on, Mrs. Miller?"

The teacher's eyes twinkled, "One of my favorites. The Merchant of Venice."

Immediately the class was filled with buzzes of excitement and grunts of annoyance.

"Yes, that's enough class. I know you're excited but hear me out first." Mrs. Miller said, trying to quieten down the class. "I will be directing. Maia has already written a script, because we cannot put on the whole play. She has edited the original script and cut some parts out. The rest of you can come to me in a civilized manner after class and tell me what you would like to do. Auditions will be on Friday. A list will be put up, you can access after lunch. Please remember that not all of us can be actors, some of us need to design costumes and help with lighting and props. Never the less, I expect to see a lot of names on the sign -up sheet at the end of the day."

Mrs. Miller kept talking, but Skye was couldn't help but think about the battered copy of the Merchant of Venice lying under her pillow.

It was torn, dog-eared and some pages had come loose. The margins were full of blue ink and that made it hard to read some of the words.

But she would never get rid of it.


Because of the name scrawled messily on top of the first page of the book.

Dr. Samuel P. Morris.

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