~thirty four~

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To dance again, I've been waiting all these years to dance again-

Sorry, couldn't help myself, I just love Voldemort.

Bash rang Shawn's doorbell, but it was Oliver who answered.

He looked surprised to see him.

"Bash, what are you doing here?"

"Shawn invited me to play call of duty. If you don't want me here, I'll go, man."

Oliver shook his head quickly, and stepped aside, letting Bash step through.

"You've just been so distant lately. Now you're practically glowing. I'm guessing Skye and you-"

"We're together now," Bash said, practically beaming, "I was all one big misunderstanding."

Oliver patted his back, "I'm happy for you, man."

"Now if you get Maia to go out with you..."Bash hinted with a smirk.

Oliver sighed, ''I don't think that's going to happen any time soon. I love her, but she's probably the most thickheaded person I've ever come across."

"It'll happen." Bash assured his friend, "I think Skye's going to play matchmaker once she convinces her father to stay here."

When Oliver looked confused, Bash explained, "Her dad came back. He wanted to move them back to Jacksonville, but Skye and her mother convinced him to stay. He said he'd stay if he found a reason."

Oliver shook his head, "Anyway, man, just keep your girlfriend far away from me and my love life. That girl can be scary." He shuddered.

Bash grinned, "You done badmouthing my girlfriend's matchmaking skills?"

Oliver smirked, "Just getting started."

Bash shrugged, "You just gave me another reason to kick your ass at COD."

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