~thirty five~

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Morning guize! C&C is currently #27 in short story! Thank you so much! I love you guys.

Her room had been turned into sleepover heaven.

Once Maia and Isobel found out that Bash and Skye had gotten together, they had immediately demanded a sleepover.

Which was weird, since they only knew each other through Skye.

She had agreed, on one condition.

She invited Ashley.

Both the girls had looked surprised when Skye had suggested this, but had agreed never the less.

Thus here they were, the four of them sitting on Skye's bed, eating chocolate and watching chick flicks, much to Maia's horror.

Maia was a scary movie girl so naturally nobody listened to her.

Three movies and six packets of popcorn later, all four of them collapsed on the floor.

"We are so bad at this." Isobel commented from the floor, making them chuckle.

"Aren't we supposed to gossip and talk about people's butts?" Maia asked, flipping through a photography magazine.

Everyone turned to look at Ashley, and she glared at them, "Why does everybody assume I know all this stuff?"

Maia shrugged, "I'm sure you know more than we do. I mean, the closest thing I've heard to gossip is that selfie song."

Skye snorted, "No, I've heard a bit more, I used to sit at the popular table, remember?"

"Yeah, until you were invited to sit at the most awesome table in the cafeteria." Isobel commented.

Maia snorted, "Yeah, okay."

Ashley smirked, "I'll have to go with the drama geek on this one, our table sucks."

Isobel and Skye looked at each other. "Ashley, we're both-"

She looked at them like they were idiots.

"No, she's the drama geek," She gestured at Isobel, "And you're the drama dweeb." She told Skye.

Skye blinked, "Geez, thanks Ash."

But Ashley wasn't finished. She turned to Maia and said, "You're the paper dork."

Maia didn't even look up from her magazine as she said, "And you're the cheerleading freak."

The three girls started laughing. Ashley just lay there there blinking at Maia.

But in a moment, she shrugged joined as the girls lay on their stomachs, on the floor, howling like retarded seals.

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