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Here you guys go. Enjoy.

The worst part about drama class was that it wasn't exclusive to drama club members.

It was compulsory.

What made it worse is that she had it with Bash Taylor.

Or even worse, he sat behind her.

She could feel his eyes on her as she slid into her seat.

She sat at the edge of her seat.

Please don't talk. Can't you see it's already so hard to stay away from you? I'm doing the right thing. I'm doing this to protect what's left of my heart.

The heart you shattered.

Her hand clenched itself into a fist.





She stared at her pen.

"Talk to me Skye. Please."

The pen was an interesting shade of blue.

"Tell me why you're ignoring me Skye. It's killing me, not knowing."

The pen made an interesting clicking noise.

Click. Click.


Click. Click.

"That's it."

She heard the sound of a chair being pulled against the floor ans suddenly Bash's face was in front of her.

"Look," He said, "I don't know what I've done but I think I deserve to know. Because honestly, I have no clue why you're ignoring me. I haven't done anything wrong!"

Her eyes glistened.

"You know," She said softly, "The fact that you don't even think you did anything wrong only makes it ten times worse."

The door swung open and Mrs. Miller, the hair brained drama teacher waltzed in.

"Sorry for the delay," She said, straightening her collar, "Get back to your seats please."

Bash let out a loud breath of frustration and strode back to his seat.

A solitary tear rolled down her cheek and splashed on the table.

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