~twenty two~

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Bash fell in love with Skye for the first time in the library.

He was sitting across from her and smirking as she tried to finish her history assignment before lunch got over.





Kick kick.


"What?" She hissed, looking up and glaring at him, "Would you stop kicking my leg and let me finish my assignment in peace?"

"What's the fun in that?"

She huffed and went back to her assignment, ignoring him.




"I'm bored."

Kick kick kick.

"Would you leave me alone?" She shrieked.

Suddenly every eye was on her.

She gulped.

Mrs. Birch, the cranky librarian stalked over to them.

This meant detention.

She stood over them, pushing her glasses up her nose, trying to look haughty.

"This is a library, a temple of learning. Do you scream and shout like a hooligan at a temple. Do you?"

Bash blinked. He had never been to a temple.


Mrs. Birch glared at him.

"No!" Skye squeaked, "That's what he meant to say. Common mistake, saying yes instead of no, even though what he really wanted to say yes-eh, I mean no. You know, when you're put into a situation like this, like rapid fire, you know the answer but you can't speak because it's so sudden and your brain needs to figure out what the hell is going on but by the time it does, it's too late and you've said the wrong thing and your chance to prove yourself is gone. It's rather unfortunate actually. Tragic."

Mrs. Birch just blinked at her.

"Eh yes, well, don't do it again."

And with that, she walked off, still in a daze.

And that was the moment he fell in love with Skye Morris.

I just wanted you guys to read this and fall asleep with a smile on your face. Then I realized that it might be noon in some places. Well, sleep anyway! Night :)

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