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An update for you amazing people!

Dedication to lordpringles because her comments made me laugh. A thank you to all of you though!

Ashley on the side.

What she didn't know was that back in the room, that the conversation went on.

"What the hell do you want me to say, Ashley? She's my friend but I only use her when I need a break from all the drama? I'm using her, that's all I'm doing? Do you honestly think I care about what you think of me? You think you're better than her but you're not! Yes, I'm attached to her, because she's my best friend and I love her." He spat out, absolutely livid.

Ashley glared at him, "Oh you love her, do you? She's better than all of us, I'm sure. Sometimes I don't know which side you're on, Sebastian."

He scoffed, "I wasn't aware that this was war and we had to pick sides Ashley."

"You know what I mean Bash."

"Don't call me that." He hissed.

"Oh, my bad, only your darling Skye can call you that." She grit out.

He sighed, "I think it's time you leave Ashley."

"You're kicking me out?" She screamed at him and he flinched.

"No," He said, "I'm asking you to leave. Besides, don't you have a party to go to?"

She glared at him, "Whatever." She huffed before turning and strutting out the door, slamming it behind her.

Wow, nice comeback.

That's what Skye would have said, probably followed by a snigger.


Funny how the thought of her would make him break into a smile.

The prospect of being in love with your best friend was enough to terrify people and make them go into denial but Sebastian was familiar with the fact at this point of time.

That's what it was, a fact.

He was in love with Skye Morris.

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