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For irtzaqamar because of his awesome stories, that have had me on the edge of my seat for quite a while now.

"Drive faster."

"What, and get a ticket? We'd waste more time that way."

"Well then, don't get caught."

"Whoa, hands off the steering wheel."

"Why are you driving my car anyways?"

You could see the smirk in his face, "Because I got there first."

She huffed, "I can't help it! Your legs are longer."

He laughed, "That's the best you could come up with?" He taunted.

She frowned, "Shut up."

He laughed and looked at her, "Don't pout. It's not cute."

"Eyes on the road, doofus." She whacked him on the hand, making him look back on the road.

"Jesus, woman. No need to be violent."

"Yeah, well, no need to get us both killed."

"Could you stop yelling at me?"

"Maybe if you DRIVE FASTER."

"Why? We're already there."

"Wait, what?"

He looked out and surely enough, they were driving up her street.

"Oh," She muttered, blushing.

He laughed as he parked the car, next to a police car.

He was here.

She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Aw, don't be like that." He caught her face between his hands and kissed her nose.

"You keep doing that." She muttered.

"Yeah," He agreed, "Because I can. Now, let's go."

He got out and made his way to the door but when he turned, Skye was nowhere to be seen.

He sighed and walked back to the car.

She was still sitting in the passenger seat, staring at her nails.

"What's so fascinating about your nails, then?" Bash said, coming up from behind her.

She jumped, banging her head against the roof of the car.

She groaned, "Bash, don't sneak up on me."

She smiled and looked at her through the open window, "What's wrong, Skye?"

She shrugged, "That's my father, Bash. I haven't seen him in two years. I could have talked to him, but I didn't."

"That's not true, Skye. You sent him that letter."

"Yeah, but after two years." She snapped, sharper than she meant to be.

Bash sighed and grabbed her hand, "What are you trying to say, Skye."

"I don't want my father to hate me." She managed to force it out.

"Oh, Skye." Bash said softly, "Your father could never hate you. From what I've heard from you, your father's a great man and he's just gotten reunited with his family. He'd be happy. Besides, are you telling me you'd rather not face him, than face him and be disappointed?"

She sighed, "I hate that you're always right."

He laughed and opened the door, "Let's go."

Somehow, I'm really pleased with this chapter. Here you go, folks. Some Baye action.

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