~thirty eight~

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Your prize is a mega long (for me) chapter!

One month later.

She was wearing a long brownish red velvet dress and her hair was bundled on top of her head. Her bun was so tight she couldn't shake her head without flinching.

"Skye, you idiot, you haven't put on your makeup yet." Isobel yelled, coming towards her with a box of makeup, wearing a gown like Skye's, only in green.


She was hoping Isobel wouldn't notice, but that girl had eyes on her like a hawk.

"Maybe you can do my makeup later. That boy looks like he's in desperate need of makeup."

Isobel rolled her eyes, "That boy is a tree, Skye."

Skye mock gasped, "How dare you, Isobel? There are no small roles in this theater!" She quoted Mrs. Miller.

"Just sit down."

She sighed and sat down, allowing Isobel to color all over her face.

The problem is, she couldn't sit still.

"Stop moving!" Isobel shrieked as she brought out a piece of cotton to wipe off Skye's smudged eyeliner for the third time.

"I can't help it." Skye grumbled, "You're taking too bloody long."

"Perfection takes time," Isobel informed her, "Now sit still."

"We both know that's impossible."

This time, Isobel just ignored her and kept working.

Fifteen agonizing moments later, she finally finished painting her face.

"Thank god, I thought the torture was never going to get over-Marcus?"

Just one look at him made both the girls roll over in a fit of giggles.

He was wearing a beard.

He rolled his bushy white eyebrows, "Ha ha, funny."

"No, no, you look amazing." Isobel said, trying to stop her laughter.

"Yeah," Skye wiped tears from the sides of her eyes, "Very grandpa like."

Marcus groaned, "Shylock isn't supposed to be grandpa like!"

Skye blinked, "Then why is there so much powder in your hair?"

Both the girls started laughing again, and Marcus stood there pouting at them.

Suddenly, two potted plants behind them started moving.

Skye blinked, "Did you see that?"

Isobel nodded, her eyes fixed on the plant, "They're coming closer."

Marcus however just snorted, "You can come out, Ashley, Maia."

Two heads popped out from behind the plants.

Ashley was frowning, "You'll get us caught, you-" She stopped when she saw him.

She blinked.

"You have a beard." She said, looking horrified.

He groaned, as if he had forgotten about it. "I'm Shylock, of course I have a beard. Why does everybody keep saying-what's that on your shoulder?"

Ashley quickly tugged at her sweater, "Nothing."

Skye frowned, "It looks like a bruise, Ash."

"I fell onto the toaster, it's nothing. It doesn't hurt anymore."

Maia frowned, "I may not be Emma Swan, but I think I can tell that you're lying."

Ashley gave us a let it go, guys look, so they let it go for now.

Didn't mean they weren't going to grill her later.

Isobel looked at Maia, "Maia, you're the script writer, why are you hiding behind a plant too?"

Maia shrugged, "Seemed like fun."

Marcus shook his bearded head, "I'll see you ladies later then."

Was it just her or was he looking at Ashley while he said that?

Isobel made a shooing motion at her friends once Marcus had walked off, "Well, go away before all the good seats are taken."

Ashley smirked, "Nah, we've got the boys saving seats for us. Besides, we wanted to wish you luck."

Isobel smiled, "Thank yo-"

But Ashley wasn't finished, "Don't trip over your own feet on stage. Don't screw up your lines. That will lead to instant social shun. I can't be seen around you if you screw this up."

Isobel and Skye stared at her. "Geez," Skye said, "Thanks for that. It's just what we needed."

Ashley smiled, "Don't mention it! See you after the show, huns."

Maia gave them a cheeky grin and mouthed 'you'll both do great' behind Ashley's back before leaving the room.

Isobel shook her head, "We got stuck with the most spectacular bunch of friends, didn't we?"

Skye grinned, "But I wouldn't trade them for all the money in the world."

Isobel frowned, "Not even a million dollars?"

Skye thought about it, "Okay, maybe a million dollars...each."

The girls grinned at each other.

"I'm so glad I met you." Isobel said softly, "All of you."

Skye smiled, "I guess we have Bash to thank for that, and Ashley."

"Don't forget your dad." Isobel added.

"This is all one big twisted story, isn't it?" Skye mused.

Isobel nodded, "But you're satisfied with how it ended?"

Skye shook her head, "This story hasn't ended, it's barely started."

Just then, Mrs. Miller walked in, "All actors backstage now."

"Come on," Isobel grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the wings.

On the opposite side she could she Bash dressed in a puffy shirt and tight slacks.

She grinned at him.

He mouthed 'I love you' and she smiled and mouthed it back.

If she looked into the audience she would see her parents waiting for her to come on stage.

Once her father found out that his little girl was Portia, he was so happy he practically refused to leave Miami. He got a new job as a professor of literature, and went around telling people that his little girl was playing Portia in an adaptation of his play.

There was no way they would ever leave now.

And she couldn't be happier.

Because this was her home.

The End.

AND FINISHIO. (No that is not a word).

Wow, I can't believe it's over! WAIT, WHO SAID IT'S OVER?

(Let's ignore the fact that I just did).

This story is in fact, not over. As Skye said, if you were paying attention, this story has just begun!

I have something for you guys but you'll have to wait till morning to find out. (he he *evil grin*).

Love you guys,



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