~twenty five~

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Sorry for not updating this morning. I was baking a cake. It was yum.

For a minute, Skye just stared at her.

Then it hit her like a hammer.

"Stephanie." She whispered.

"Yeah," Ashley said softly, "She lives in Jacksonville with her fiance, Brent. Well, ex-fiance now. She was hiding this from us all, Skye."

Skye frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Well," Ashley said, staring at her fingers, "Two years ago, she told us that her professor at college raped her and when she got pregnant, her abusive ex-boyfriend beat her up until she lost the baby."

"She lied to you," Skye informed her stiffly.

Ashley nodded, "I know. I know now that it was Brent's baby. She lied to all of us, even him. These last two years something happened to my sister. She used to always smile and joke, but after the incident she became quiet. She hardly spoke anymore. We all thought it was the trauma of losing a baby, but now I know it's guilt. She finally told us when we went to visit them last weekend. Brent was so mad. He yelled at her for hours. And she cried so much. My father called the Jacksonville police and explained this to them. Steph, they were going to arrest her." Ashley's voice cracked, and her lip began to tremble, "For lying and manipulating information, leading to the arrest of an innocent individual. But then they did a few tests and found out she has depression and slight anorexia. They're going to put her in rehab."

Skye was silent. "And my dad?" She asked finally.

"He's already been released. He's a really kind man, Skye. I'm so sorry."

That was followed by a silence.

They just sat there. Two girls who never really liked each other finally came to a peaceful agreement.

Breaking the silence, Ashley said, "Can I ask you something?"

Skye nodded, "What is it?"

"I know it isn't any of my business, but what happened between you and Sebastian. He's been moping around. Did you guys fight?"

She sighed, "I heard what you guys said that day in his house."

Ashley looked confused. "What's the problem, you don't feel the same way?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Skye, the boy told me he loved you."


Bur honestly, I dunno what this chapter is. I don't really like it. Except the end, of course.

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