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Bash on the side.

"So you'll come?" A girl seemed to be saying.

With a jolt, she realized that she recognized that voice.

Sugary, squeaky and desperate? Had to be Ashley Whitman.

"Can't." Came his voice, "I'm busy."

She could feel Ashley's eyes narrow through the door, "Really? With what?"

"Oh, you know, stuff."

She almost snorted at his answer but stopped herself in time.

Ashley, on the other hand, didn't think it was so funny.

"Stuff?" She hissed, "Like what, hanging out with that fat freak you call a friend?"

She frowned and stared at her flat tummy.

"Ashley," He said with a warning in his tone, "Just because she eats more than just salad and water, does not mean she's fat."

She smiled through the door, take that Ashley.

Ashley snorted, "Yeah, okay. But seriously, we all tolerate that nerd because of you. We even let her join the cheer team because of you. She makes us look bad."

She could picture him clenching his jaw, "She's an amazing cheerleader, and you know it."

Ha! As if. She thought, frowning. She hated cheerleading with passion. She only joined the team because he asked her to.

"We all think you're getting too attached Sebastian."

She could hear the bomb inside his head ticking.




And then it exploded.

"What the hell do you want me to say, Ashley? She's my friend but I only use her when I need a break from all the drama. I'm using her, that's all I'm doing. Do you honestly think I care-"

She backed away from the door silently, blinking back tears and cursing herself as she made her way down the staircase.

She stared at the house as she closed the door behind her.

Never again, she told herself.

Never again.

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