~thirty two~

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"What?" All three of them screamed simultaneously.

'Them' referred to Skye, Bash and Mrs. Morris, just so you know.

Her father just blinked.

"Yes," He said slowly, "Isn't that what everybody wanted?"

"No!" All three of them yelled again.

"I have the animal center." Mrs. Morris said.

"And I have drama club, and a boyfriend." Skye added.

"With all due respect, sir, I just got the girl I've been in love with for two years to go out with me." Bash said.

Skye reached for Bash's hand, and intertwined their fingers together.

"I don't want to lose him, Daddy." She said softly, staring at her boyfriend.

Bash squeezed her hand, "I can't let go of her sir."

Mrs. Morris looked at her husband, "Sweetheart, maybe we could stay here? It's a great place, Miami."

Mr. Morris shook his head, "I've been offered my old job back, and I accepted. I didn't think you'd want to stay here."

"This is our home, daddy." Skye said, "There are great universities here too."

"Do you know how hard it is to get a job, little girl?"

This time, the endearment didn't work.

"I'm not a little girl," She said slowly, "So I think I should have a say in whether we stay or not."

He stared at his daughter. When had she become so grown up?

"You really want to stay here?" He asked his family.

They nodded.

He turned to Bash, "And you really love my daughter, boy?"

Bash nodded, "With every ounce of my being, sir."

"I think I liked you better when you didn't speak." Mr. Morris grumbled.

Skye gave him a look.

Then he turned back to his family.

"Alright," He said finally, "But only if you give me one good reason to stay."

So I wasn't going to update, but guys just sat there in front of your computer/phones and acted all cute.

I just had to.

I'm feeling great now, thanks to you guys. You guys are the best. Gonna go to bed now, night!

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