~twenty three~

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Bash stared at her retreating figure.

For a minute, all he felt was numbness.

Then reality struck him like tsunami.

He couldn't breathe.

He felt like the evil queen had just pulled his heart out and was slowly crushing it.

Okay, he had watched too much TV with Skye.

Apparently that wasn't going to be an issue anymore.

Somehow, when Bash had imagined telling Skye that he loved her, this wasn't quite the reaction he had been expecting.

He fell down onto a sack of flour.

Had he assumed that Skye would like him back?


But apparently to Skye, loving him was a burden.

She had too much on her plate already.

She didn't love him.

She told him to stay away from her.

Yet, he couldn't help but think there was something odd about the situation.

How did loving her make him cruel?

Why would she stop talking to him just because she heard him say that he loved her?

All the time Bash had known Skye, she had been rash. She jumped to conclusions.

Why is it that he felt there was something more to this situation?

He got up and dusted the flour off his jeans.

He was just trying to make excuses, he told himself.

He just couldn't take the fact that the girl he loves wanted nothing to do with him.

That's what this was.

Just then, the door opened and Ruby poked her head in, "Shouldn't you be at school now, dear?"

He sighed, "Yeah. Thanks Ruby."

She frowned, "I'm so sorry dear."

He just shrugged.

"I'll go now. See you around."

And he walked away.

Sorry this chapter's a little sucky. I tried to write from Bash's perspective but it's suddenly harder. I don't know why.

We're close to the end now people!

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