~thanksgiving and sequel~

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I just want to say thank you. Words cannot describe how much I love you guys, and how much you guys have helped me. I just wanted to thank you :)

And now, with no further ado, presenting something that has never been done on Wattpad before (at least, I think)

Children, do not try this at home!

@storiesandstarbucks I think you were one of the first people to read this story, and the fact that you stayed with it till the very end warms my heart. I think the fact that you liked the 100 and OUAT just made it better :P

@Rain_of_Books You, sweetie, you were one of the first people who took the pain to get to know me over PM. Thank you, it meant the world to me.

@KenYourButtNot Ken, Ken, Ken, where do I even start with you. You made me laugh, you always had something to say. I don't know where I'd be without you. Thank you.

@lordpringles Look at how far we've come! You also read my story from the start and stayed with me till the end. Thank you.

@TheNerdsGirl Do I have to say anything? Thank you for patiently picking out all my typos, bitchola. I love you.

@IncrediblyClosee I think you were the first person to vote for my story. Yes I have not forgotten, THANK YOU!

@bookworm875 *gives you a big virtual hug* thank you! Also, I hope you have dropped your plans of killing me...

@ChocolateNerd You helped me come up with the name Baye. Thank you, Baye would be no where without you.

@-fluffymonster Thank you for liking my book, and for your graphic :)

@fallout Seen zoned? ;P

@Thantophobic You may have started to read my story just a few days ago, but it helped me, thank you.

@randomlydancing Thank you for loving this book (and loving Chinese food!), and for giving me cupcakes and cookies! Let's not forget the random dancing :)

@theendlesslove Thank you for your comments and votes and everything!

@afangirlofstuff You we always so excited! Just like a fangirl. Thank you for fangirling over my story!

@izzzyyyyy123 For continuously screaming at me and getting the Bash feels.

@SimranKDhaliwal Thank you for loving my story as much as I love yours!

@sakurashinehae Thank you for reading from the start. It makes me so happy.

@secret_panda35 Thank you! Do you still want to kill Skye?

@nicolechunko Thank you, you were another person who supported me from the start.

@caffeine_addict Thank you for making me laugh, especially when I was feeling down.

@readitbackwards Thank you for loving my story and introducing me to Shawn Mendes!

Also, thank you to a lot of awesome people. I'm sorry I couldn't write you a comment one-on-one, I just didn't know enough about you to do that. I wish I did, though.

Thank you @megisawsome @xPrincessOfGravity @XxSnipSnapxX @Kaiburr @kaylalxigh @hungergameslover4812 @drowningthoughts_ @SofeaaSayani 

@TheSinnerAndTheSaint @hoods_hemmo @-sugarlaces- @alexjrose @blatantlybiased @ThePainOfBeingPretty @love_is_food @AishahSuki @Hopeful_Wishing @AnotherChancePerson @smelliezabeth @Fairy_whales @NoLoveNoPain @WordsAreOurHeroes @_darian_ @alaskamilktea @shattered_lights @animalsaver10 @Dark_Inside_Out @goldenheart333 @Lets_Wonder @vinyl- @Soullessadiction @ttyltyra 

I'm sorry if I forgot anybody. Please don't feel bad, it's an honest mistake. If you, for example, voted for the playlist 15 days ago, I have no way of knowing your name :(

And finally, thank you! Yes you, the person who's still reading this! You may be a silent reader but you still read my story and I can't thank you enough!



But most of you already know that.

It's called Mint Choco Chip and it has been posted. Go check it out PLEASE! It's on my account (@ruevian)

It's about Maia, you know, Skye's crazy reporter friend?

I'm crying now.

Go away.

Shoo shoo.

Read my book now.

I love you guys.

Ugh, I can't stop crying.

You know what, I'm just going to go now.

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