Meeting at the airport

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I was currently at the Narita International Airport, Japan. The weather was a bit gloomy today. I was waiting for my flight to Seoul.

It was currently 4 in the evening and I was watching a show on Netflix when suddenly I heard an announcement being made that said, "This is an announcement for flight 322 to Seoul. The flight has been delayed for 8 p.m. due to bad weather conditions."

I was so bummed out by the announcement. The thought of me having to wait for another four more hours just makes me want to scream my lungs out.

I was hangry so I went to a food stall that was inside the airport and ordered a cup of noodles and a can of coke. I roamed my eyes around the airport and saw one person. There, there he was, Haruto. My old high school crush. My heartbeat became a triple times faster and I suddenly lost my appetite.

He was walking towards me while he was on his phone, rolling his little trolley. I tried to hide but it was now too late. He had already seen me. He looks at me searching and blurted out, "Y/N it's you right?"  "haha yeah, it's me" I chuckled nervously. "It's so nice you meet you again after so long," he said.

"Excuse me, " he addressed the waiter. "I'll have the same thing she's having," he told him. We talked about a lot of things and the more we talked, the more comfortable I became. I kept on thinking about how much his personality has changed. It was as if he is a whole different person.

He wasn't the rude but handsome guy anymore. By the looks of it, he is now the friendly and handsome guy. I have never really forgotten about Haruto. Some parts of me had always wished that I would see him again someday and confess about how I feel.

For the next ten minutes, I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. All that was on my mind was, "how do I tell him that I liked him and still do after so long." 

I was brought back to reality when he said, "So Y/N I see that you've gotten a lot prettier. Would it be rude to ask if you have a boyfriend?"  He blushed a little after saying that. I, on the other hand, blushed so hard that my cheeks were as red as a tomato.

"I haven't been the luckiest with boys and relationships, " I replied. "Oh, I'm sorry, " Haruto said and touched his head awkwardly. "There's nothing to be sorry for... Haruto can I tell you something?" I asked. "Yeah, shoot," he said.

" First of all, I want you to know that I'm okay with whatever your answer is," I said and he replied with an okay. "I have liked you since we were in high school and I still do now. I couldn't confess back then because I didn't have the courage but now I do" I said.

"I knew it" he chuckled and wiped the droplet of coke that was falling on his can. "How can anybody not fall for a handsome and charismatic guy like me?" he said and smirked. Now, his old self is back. "What!?" I said and laughed. "I like you too so, what do you want me to do? Date you? Hug you? Kiss you? Or maybe marry you?" he asked and smirked slightly, looking straight into my eyes.

"All of those. But we'll have to save marriage for later" I told him and he caught me off guard with his kiss. His tender lips against mine. I have been longing for this moment to happen for so long. I put my hands on his cheeks and he put one of his's on the back of my hand one on my waist to pull me closer.

Well, the rest of the day went by with us chatting, eating, hugging, holding hands and kissing. Turns out that our seats we next to each other's. "Maybe this is fate trying to bring us together," I said and laughed. "Maybe it is" he replied.

~hello, dear readers I hope you enjoyed this first-ever imagine of mine. I apologise for any grammatical mistakes I might've made. If you have any requests feel free to let me know!🤍

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