Wifi password

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Summary: This is an imagine where Haruto wanted to use Y/N's wifi but didn't know the passward as Y/N has changed it due to some reason and haven't told haruto yet so he guessed the password by typing in 'Y/N Watanabe' which happened to be the correct password.

L/N : last name

We're currently driving home from our dinner date tonight. Haruto decided that he wanted to take me out for dinner at this new fancy restaurant that they opened. Dinner was good and so was my date.

When we reached my house, Haruto opened the door for me and wrapped one of his hands around his waist and bowed down, his other hand gesturing me to walk towards my house.

"Ooh a beautiful date and a gentlemanly date too. What a great combo" i said and laughed. "Correction, you didn't include 'handsome date' which you must" he said.

"Haruto don't be so full of yourself" i scoffed and walked inside the house. He followed me after he has parked up his car. He put the car keys on the coffee table and we both sat down on the couch.

"Do you want to stay over tonight?" I asked him. "I have some work to finish up but i guess i could since i brought my macbook with me" he replied. "Why bring the macbook with you on a night like tonight?" I questioned laughing. "Because i knew you were going to ask me to stay over because you never want to let go of me" he said and pinched my cheeks.

"Okay... I'm gonna go and take a shower" I said and walked upstairs.

Haruto's pov:

"Y/N what's your wifi passward i need to use it for work" i said. When i got no response i turned around and saw no Y/N. She must've already went upstairs i told myself. So, i decided to guess the passward.

Y/N usually uses her first and last name for her passwards so i decided that i would try first with that one. I typed in Y/N L/N which turned out to be incorrect. After that, i tried her birthday which also turned out to be incorrect.

After typing in so many possibilities of what could be her passward, I decided to try her first name and my last name. I knew that this would be incorrect again as all the other TRYs have been. I then typed in Y/N Watanabe and pressed enter.

I was suprised to see that i have been connected to Y/N's wifi. I couldn't help but smile. My little Y/N is naming herself a 'Watanabe' for her passward which i want her to even in real life once we get married.

Y/N's pov:

I walked downstairs and haruto immediately closed his macbook and patted the seat next to his. I walked towards him and he opened his arms and i snuggled into it. He kissed my forehead. I sat up and played with his soft hair.

"Y/N Watanabe" he said randomly and smiled. I sat there frozen. "Uhm what?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows smile half smiling. "You wifi passward" he said. "Oh that, i just typed in the first thing that came to my mind. I decided that i will change it later" i said.

He sat me on his lap and put his arms around my waist. "No don't change it i like it" he said and smiled. I blushed at what he said and also feeling a bit embarassed at the same time as he found out that i have used his last name.

"So i see that i was the first thing that came to your mind" he said and smirked. "You always are Watanabe" i said with a flirty voice. He pulled my waist closer and kissed me. Later on we took our kissing session into my bedroom and then went to sleep.

Trying to finish up as many requests as possible while i have the time haha. I hope you enjoyed this one. Always feel free to let me know if any of you have requests they are always open. Anyway, do vote for my stories ily take care☺️💕✨

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