Wiping off his kisses.

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Hello~ First off i want to apologise for not updating for so long. I was busy with my finals week. But here is a crappy imagine to make up for it. I literally have no idea as of now. So if you have any, please make sure to comment or lmk. enjoy :)

Y/N's pov

This week has been a very busy week for both Haruto and I. We haven't even got much time to see each other.

I was longing for his presence, his presence to fill up the void in me and to cure me of my loneliness.

That was when i heard the digital door lock of our apartment beeping. My face immediately lit up. It was as if Haruto had read my mind that i wanted to be with him.

He came in with a  'i miss you so much' kind of look plastered across his face. He jumped onto the couch beside me.

"Hey lover boy" i said with a rather much seductive voice. "What do you want?" he asked, lightly chuckling.  "Nothing, just getting to look at your face is such a delightful sight. Why do you ask?"  "Because of the way you're saying 'lover boy' with that kind of voice" he said smirking, moving his hair out of his face while taking off his leather jacket which i just find so attractive on him.

He hugged me and said, "I miss you so much my baaaby" dragging the 'a' in the baby. He leaned forward towards my face and kissed my lips. I wiped off the kiss immediately and he tilted his head and looked at me questioningly.

"Umh okay what did you just do?" he said half smiling half scoffing. "Nothingg. What is up with you that you have been asking me such weird questions today?"  "Y/N nothing's up with me. You just wiped off my kiss! I should be the one that's asking you that question." He kissed me again for the second time and i wiped it off again. "Y/N why are you wiping off my kisses!?" he asked.  "Your kisses are wet and it is gross" i said.

He then tried to kiss me all over my face. I tried stopping him but he was much stronger than me so i just gave in. I gave him access and he kissed me deeply onto my lips. He pulled out from the kiss. He looked right into my eyes and said, "Y/N i swear to God if you ever do that to me when I come home missing you to the extreme, you will surely pay for it" he said, pushing me away, crossing his arms and looking away from me.

"Yah, are you serious? is my gigantic baby mad?" i asked and sat on his lap. I cupped his face and said, "I was just playing with you, idiot. I missed you so much so please don't get mad. I still need to hug you and kiss you too!".  He looked at me with a straight face. I can tell that he was mad. "Then do so" he said. 

I pulled him by his collar and started kissing him. I could feel him smile through the kiss. "Trying to stay mad at you is like building castles in the sky."  "I love you my big baby Haruto who gets offended easily" i replied and he nuzzled against my nose.

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