Haruto as a DAD

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Summary: An imagine where Haruto and
Y/N put their 3 y/o son back to sleep after having a nightmare. (very cute imagine)

S/N: son's name

It was around three in the morning when i heard our son crying from his room. I shake Haruto who was sleeping on my left. He opened his eyes and asked what was happening with a groggy yet deep voice.

"S/N is crying" i said and sat up trying to check up on him. "Y/N sit back down, let your man handle it" he said and i smiled, feeling happy despite of my current sleepy state of mind.

Third person pov:

Haruto got up and went to S/N's room. There he saw him crying on his bed. "S/N baby why are you crying" he asked kneeling down to the level of S/N's bed. "Daddy, I had a really really bad dream" S/N said and cried even more.

"Come here. Don't be scared S/N. Your daddy is here to protect you from whatever you're scared of okay? I love you" Haruto said kissing S/N's forehead. "I love you too daddy" S/N said and hugged haruto's neck with his little arms.

"Do you think you can sleep by yourself or do you want to sleep with me and your mommy?" he asked and S/N replied, "I want to sleep with you and mommyyyy" he said excitedly.

Haruto carried S/N who kept on giggling as haruto tickled him.

Y/N's pov:

I saw my husband and my baby boy coming to our room both laughing. They both looked so handsome and cute. How did i ever get so lucky?

Haruto sat down beside me and laid S/N in between us. "S/N why were you crying baby?" i asked him as i hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead and his head. "Mommy, I saw really big monsters trying to eat me" he said sniffing.

"Buddy, I told you your Appa is very strong. I will always protect you and mommy" he said and tapped his lips signalling me to kiss it  and I did. I also kissed S/N not wanting him to feel left out.

We had put S/N to sleep. "Seeing monsters and being scared of them shows how young he still is" haruto said and smiled. "I love you, I love you both very much" i said and he kissed me.

Then we both drifted off to sleep whilst tightly hugging S/N.

Toally simping over this 'father material' version of Haruto😫😭. Hope y'all enjoyed this one💘💘. Lemme know if you have any other requests.

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