"I love you and I always will"

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(took a little inspo for the first half from a book a read last year)
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I just love it when Haruto is happy. When he's happy, I'm happy and there's no definite reason for that. I love the beautiful smile that forms up on his beautiful lips and the laugh that escapes through his mouth.

It's Friday night at the dorm (jihoon, Mashi, doyoung and jeongwoo's unit) after their dance practice. They rehearsed the dance choreography for their new song. Haruto's across the room playing a video game with Hyunsuk and Mashiho.

His hair is still wet from showering after their practice. I'm on the couch with Doyoung, Jeongwoo and Junkyu, debating whether or not Junkyu should grow a mullet.

"What do you think, Y/N?" Junkyu asks, running his fingers through his hair. "Um, I think getting a new hairstyle you've never had before can be a very big commitment. But since you're good looking, you could pull anything off...." My eyes drift back to Haruto, and he looks up and sees me looking at him, and raises his eyebrows questioningly. I just smile and shake my head.

My phone buzzes in my hands. It's Haruto.

Do you want to go?


Then why were you staring at me?

Because I felt like it.

Jeongwoo is reading over my shoulder. I push him away, and he shakes his head and says, "Are you guys really texting each other when you're only twenty feet away?"

Junkyu crinkles up his nose and says, "So adorable."

I'm about to answer them when I look up and see Haruto sweeping across the room toward me with purpose. "I think Y/N and I are gonna go," he says.

"I don't want to leave yet. it's only 11:30 pm I still have 1 and a half hour till I have to get home," I say. "I know you do deep down inside," Haruto said and hoisted me off the couch and helped me into my jacket. Then he pulled me by the hand and lead me through the door. I looked back, I waved and called out, "Bye Jeongwoo! Bye Junkyu! For the record, I think you would look great with a mullet!"

He opened the car door for me. I got in, flipped down the sun visor to use the vanity mirror. My lip gloss was barely visible now so I re-applied it. Haruto got in and I told him we should go somewhere else before he drops me off at my place and he was okay with the idea.

"Where should we go?" I asked. "It's a secret," he said while he swiftly looked at me and smiled. "I know! You're going to take me to your favourite snack bar" I said. "Nope, you're wrong. You're never going to guess this right."

11:57 pm:

When we reached the place, I was flushed with memories back from high school. I realised that Haruto has taken me to the park we always used to go to back when we were in high school.

This park has a lot of our firsts. Like the first time we said we liked each other, the first time we held hands and the first time we kissed. If only this place was also the first time we told we love each other. It would've been the whole package.

He holds my hands and walked me towards a white bench while he hands me his car keys and told me to put it inside my bag. We both took a seat on the bench. I inhaled a handsome amount of the fresh night air. "You're right. I never would have guessed that you'd bring me here. This place will forever hold a special place in my heart."

"I still remember the day I confessed to you," Haruto said and smiled. "I don't know why but that day, you just looked so pretty. It's as if your Guardian Angel knew that I was going to confess to you that day and added extra beauty to your already beautiful self." As he said that he raised both of his legs off of the ground, placed them on the bench and laid his head on my lap.

I looked down at his beautiful face and gently kissed his lips. "Do you know why I like you so much?" I asked him. "Why? Because I'm the most handsome guy to ever exist and has long legs, long arms and is Mr Perfect?" he shot back. "Well yes but no! I was going to say it's because you are you. You are Haruto with a good heart. You are Haruto who is sweet, caring and understanding. You are Haruto and that's why I like you, " I told him and he thanked me for liking him.

He zoned out for a few seconds and asked me out of the blue, "Y/N?... What do you look forward to the most once we move in together?" "I look forward to eating a whole tub of ice cream with you late at night, " I replied.

"That's it!?" he asked me and held himself up with both of his elbows and looked at me. "Yeah, " I replied but deep down that's not what I'm looking forward to the most. We would never have to say goodbye or good night to each other because after all, it would be him that I would start and end the day with.

"We'll I do feel offended that eating ice cream together is the only thing you look forward to, " he said as he laid back down onto my lap, turned towards my belly and crossed his arms.

"I look forward to coming home and you welcoming me back home with warm hugs and kisses. I look forward to sleeping in each other's arms. I look forward to sharing how our day has been and having deep talks. I look forward to waking up with you and to a lot more. There's not a day that goes by where I don't think of how much I love you and how dull and lonely my life would be without you. I can't wait for the day we get to move in together. Because once we do, I would always get to spend my time with you. Just even your presence itself is enough to make me happy. And I forgive you for only looking forward to eating ice cream with me," he said and sneak a kiss on my lips and smiled.

"Aww, my baby~ I do look forward to all the things you said earlier. I can't wait to move in together because we would never have to say goodbye to each other after we hang out or meet up. I love you and I always will," I reassured him.

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